Susan Lauber <> schrieb am Do. 14. Feb. 2019 um 18:29:
A followup to yesterday's meeting.

I am looking for use case samples to help drive what needs to be covered in a user's guide as well as use real examples when showing how to layer a package or run a container. 

I will take: 
"I layer package X"
Git is not as a command provided by the initial image. I have layered it as a some test run on top of it. At the end I reverted back to the initial image. I found it quite educating to run through this process.

I'll take anything to build my collection of use case samples but I am also hoping for something smallish to show as an example. Also for an example in the docs, it should be something already in the repos. 
I know Mozilla Gateway is in progress. What else?

I will take:
"I run app Y in a container"
Is there a public container I can show in search, pull, and run commands? Bonus points if it is in the fedora registry rather than  This might be something that can also be used later used in demos at conferences.
How about a simple Dockerfile for your application?

I will also take links to blog posts that you have read (or written). Things that could be done on a device running Fedora IoT. The article does not have to already be using our images but it should be a project that makes sense to setup up using our images for the core OS. 
I have this F28 based one which also includes creating a Dockerfile to run the commands in a container.

I like the idea to use home assistant, which is a nice use case for iot. 

Lauber System Solutions, Inc.
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