On 7 Feb 2019, at 10:20, Peter Robinson <pbrobinson@gmail.com> wrote:

On Mon, Feb 4, 2019 at 7:15 PM Tim Coote <tim+fedoraproject.org@coote.org> wrote:

Looks like this: https://red.ht/2RG4GKt

as a general rule, I’ve found the `modprobe fuse` before using `rpm-ostree` removes the issue.

installinag packages via rpm-ostree is quite slow at the moment.

The Raspberry Pi doesn't exactly have leading edge I/O and it's quite an I/O intensive process.

One thing that is concerning me about rpm-ostree on RPi is whether it has an impact on SDCard life. I’m already suffering excessive in-field card failures using Raspian, which is diverting engineering effort to fix/workaround.

Are there any theoretical issues with rpm-ostree/SDCard life? Has anyone measured the impact that we know of?
