Hi Bernard, sorry I didn't see this last week.

You can find an automotive spin of CentOS called the Automotive Stream Distribution (AutoSD) curated by the CentOS Automotive SIG here:


The group meets monthly and also has a mailing list and matrix chat channel. You can find more operational info here:


hope this helps!

Jeffrey "Jefro" Osier-Mixon  |  jefro@redhat.com
Red Hat Office of the CTO  |  Sr. Principal Community Architect, Automotive

On Mon, Aug 8, 2022 at 4:06 AM Bernard Craddock <bernard@pumpedfuel.com> wrote:
Hi  Peter thanks for the feedback
much appreciated


On Mon, 8 Aug 2022, 18:37 Peter Robinson, <pbrobinson@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Bernard,

Sorry for the delayed response.

> I'm new to the group and don't really know where to begin so thought i'd start here.
> I have a couple of questions. If someone can point me in the right direction I'd be appreciative.
> Does Fedora iot have plans to support automotive if so how ?

We do not currently support automotive directly, it's really just
another IoT/Edge use case.

> If true
> 1. Do you have an automotive special interest group or list I can join ?
> 2. My automotive front end app has a UI, does Fedora iot support UI ?
>     I quickly reviewed silver blue, but it does not appear appropriate for automotive

We do not currently have a graphical variation of IoT, it's sort of on
the roadmap but it's not a current priority due to resources.

> 3. My automotive front end app is written in Flutter does Fedora iot have plans to support flutter

Fedora IoT doesn't current support flutter but if it's in core Fedora
you can consume anything in the project easily enough but TBH I have
no idea of the status of flutter in Fedora (or CentOS for automotive
there) TBH.

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