2014-07-17 12:17 GMT+02:00 Dimitris Glezos glezos@transifex.com:
Hey all,
I'll share some of my thoughts at this point.
Freedom is more than just access to a tarball. What kinds of Freedom is Fedora enjoying and giving up by using a platform like Transifex or GitHub?
What is the Board's position about using non-open-source but open-friendly services? How much should we sacrifice to only run open-source on our servers?
Research thoroughly all possible solutions and find out what exactly we'll be sacrificing and gaining. Pootle is much more trusted than Zanata. Ask all key Fedora L10n people. Past and current. Any switch should be led by a technical Fedora localization person. The goal should be to make Fedora L10n a successful project. The tools are just tools. The most important community features in Transifex have not been used.
-- Dimitris Glezos Founder & CEO, Transifex https://www.transifex.com/
Dimitris, we need to be consistent IMHO, if one of our foundations is FREEDOM we can't use non-free tools, or at least we should not use them if we have alternatives. As a mentor I'd feel bad telling people about Fedora's values and knowing at the same time the Project itself is not consistent with exactly these values. It's the same discussion we had for 3d party repositories, but we should focus on this single topic. Zanata actually is an alternative, probably not on the same level as TX, but anyway, I'd feel better using Zanata knowing we are respecting or 4 foundations, than staying on a proprietary tool. Best regards.