The infrastructure team will be having it's weekly meeting tomorrow, 2014-07-03 at 18:00 UTC in #fedora-meeting on the freenode network.
Suggested topics:
#topic New folks introductions and Apprentice tasks.
If any new folks want to give a quick one line bio or any apprentices would like to ask general questions, they can do so in this part of the meeting. Don't be shy!
#topic Applications status / discussion
Check in on status of our applications: pkgdb, fas, bodhi, koji, community, voting, tagger, packager, dpsearch, etc. If there's new releases, bugs we need to work around or things to note.
#topic Sysadmin status / discussion
Here we talk about sysadmin related happenings from the previous week, or things that are upcoming.
#topic nagios/alerts recap
Here we go over the last weeks alerts and see if we can find ways to make it so they don't happen again.
#topic Upcoming Tasks/Items
#topic Open Floor
Submit your agenda items, as tickets in the trac instance and send a note replying to this thread.
More info here:
On 07/02/2014 06:28 PM, Kevin Fenzi wrote:
The infrastructure team will be having it's weekly meeting tomorrow, 2014-07-03 at 18:00 UTC in #fedora-meeting on the freenode network.
I just received my school schedule for the summer. I am going to be in class at 1800UTC on Thursdays through August, so I will not make any of the meetings this month.
============================================ #fedora-meeting: Infrastructure (2014-07-03) ============================================
Meeting started by nirik at 18:00:22 UTC. The full logs are available at .
Meeting summary --------------- * aloha (nirik, 18:00:23)
* New folks introductions and Apprentice tasks (nirik, 18:01:48)
* Applications status / discussion (nirik, 18:04:49) * LINK: is in prod (pingou, 18:05:29) * kerneltest is close to ready. Needs just fedmsg notifications sorted out. (nirik, 18:07:16) * new pkgdb2 in stg. (nirik, 18:07:25) * taskotron-dev is almost ready to use. stg to follow soon. (nirik, 18:08:45)
* Sysadmin status / discussion (nirik, 18:10:57) * some more rhel7 instances re-installed this last week. (nirik, 18:11:15) * fixed httpd logs to rotate as we want in ansible and sync to log02 again (nirik, 18:12:56)
* nagios/alerts recap (nirik, 18:16:48)
* Upcoming Tasks/Items (nirik, 18:19:30) * LINK: (nirik, 18:19:30)
* Open Floor (nirik, 18:24:09)
Meeting ended at 18:33:32 UTC.
Action Items ------------
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * **UNASSIGNED** * (none)
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * nirik (72) * pingou (16) * smooge (8) * zodbot (5) * kushal (4) * lalit_ (4) * ootbro (3) * selvakumarm (3) * hammad_ (3) * mirek-hm (3) * tflink (2) * lanica (2) * lmacken (2) * lobocode (1) * abadger1999 (1) * bwood09 (1) * randomuser (1) * oddshocks (1) * threebean (0) * relrod (0) * mdomsch (0) * puiterwijk (0) * dgilmore (0) -- 18:00:22 <nirik> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2014-07-03) 18:00:22 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jul 3 18:00:22 2014 UTC. The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at 18:00:22 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:23 <nirik> #meetingname infrastructure 18:00:23 <nirik> #topic aloha 18:00:23 <nirik> #chair smooge relrod nirik abadger1999 lmacken dgilmore mdomsch threebean pingou puiterwijk 18:00:23 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure' 18:00:23 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 dgilmore lmacken mdomsch nirik pingou puiterwijk relrod smooge threebean 18:00:28 * bwood09 is here 18:00:35 <smooge> gere 18:00:35 * lmacken 18:00:42 * lalit_ is here 18:00:50 * tflink 18:00:56 <selvakumarm> is here 18:00:59 * lanica is here for infra meeting. 18:01:00 <ootbro> dazed and confused, but here (and so far no seeing anything from Arthur) 18:01:43 <abadger1999> óla 18:01:48 <nirik> #topic New folks introductions and Apprentice tasks 18:02:03 <nirik> any new folks like to give a short introduction of themselves? 18:02:06 <selvakumarm> I am Selva (New Joiner). Basically solution architect profession and specialized in linux administration and perl scripting. Interesting in the same with Nagios in our group. Looking for sponsor !! 18:02:08 * pingou 18:02:09 <nirik> or apprentices with questions, comments or status? 18:02:28 <nirik> welcome selvakumarm. 18:02:48 <ootbro> I'll save the rest of my questions 'til afterwards ;) :P 18:03:09 <nirik> selvakumarm: see me after the meeting in #fedora-admin and we can point you to our apprentice group and tickets to look into... 18:03:16 <nirik> ootbro: fair enough. :) 18:03:19 * randomuser adopts his usual lurking posture 18:03:31 <selvakumarm> sure nirik 18:04:05 <nirik> cool. any other new folks? 18:04:49 <nirik> #topic Applications status / discussion 18:04:58 <pingou> new pkgdb2 in stg: 18:04:58 <nirik> any applications news this week or upcoming? 18:05:02 <pingou> testers welcome :) 18:05:14 <pingou> and there will be a new pkgdb-cli released soon 18:05:29 <pingou> is in prod 18:05:46 <pingou> and already populated with 4901 test results 18:05:53 <nirik> excellent. There was something related to fedmsg's to fix on kerneltest? 18:06:01 <nirik> or did threebean fix that already? 18:06:16 <pingou> I think he fixed 2 SELinux related issue 18:06:49 <pingou> but iirc he still needed some debugging (so I think it wasn't there yet) 18:06:54 <nirik> yeah. ok 18:07:16 <nirik> #info kerneltest is close to ready. Needs just fedmsg notifications sorted out. 18:07:25 <nirik> #info new pkgdb2 in stg. 18:07:26 <lmacken> for anyone looking to write a quick patch, we could add the new kerneltest app to 18:07:37 <nirik> yes indeed. 18:07:38 <pingou> #easyfix :) 18:07:48 <nirik> we also need to add kerneltest* machines to nagios. 18:08:10 <tflink> taskotron-dev is close to being done, stg to follow soon thereafter 18:08:17 <pingou> tflink: cool! 18:08:24 * mirek-hm is here 18:08:45 <nirik> #info taskotron-dev is almost ready to use. stg to follow soon. 18:09:38 * oddshocks is here 18:10:10 <nirik> ok, anything else app wise? 18:10:57 <nirik> #topic Sysadmin status / discussion 18:11:04 <nirik> lets see... on the sysadmin side... 18:11:15 <nirik> #info some more rhel7 instances re-installed this last week. 18:11:48 <nirik> I didn't get too much ansible migration done, but I did get a bunch of cleanup on our ansible playbooks done 18:12:06 <nirik> we now have a master.yml top level playbook that includes all our host/group ones. 18:12:31 <nirik> this is useful if you change something in the base role or fedmsg/base or something that lots of instances use, you can run that with '-t tagname' and it will just apply those changes all round 18:12:56 <nirik> #info fixed httpd logs to rotate as we want in ansible and sync to log02 again 18:13:23 <nirik> I also setup some ansible groups for our hardware, so we can run commands to see firmware versions or whatever over all dells for example 18:14:11 <lanica> Cool 18:14:13 <nirik> smooge: can you think of anything else this week? you were working on the new osuosl machine and it ran into a switch port issue. 18:14:32 <smooge> no I have basically been banging on that 18:14:46 <nirik> yeah, sorry it's been such a pain. 18:14:52 <smooge> meh.. its not PPC 18:15:01 * hammad_ is here 18:15:12 <nirik> oh, speaking of... any word back on that ppc-comm04 box with the broken power supply/fans? 18:15:44 <smooge> I didn't hear anything from IBM. 18:15:50 <nirik> hum. ;( 18:16:05 <smooge> so I will call and start the usual passive aggressive proces 18:16:07 <nirik> oh well, we will keep bugging em. 18:16:08 <nirik> yeah. 18:16:24 <nirik> I'm also in the coming weeks going to try and move stuff off telia01. 18:16:36 <nirik> it's very slow network wise and I am tired of the alerts. ;) 18:16:45 <nirik> which brings us to: 18:16:48 <nirik> #topic nagios/alerts recap 18:17:13 <nirik> .tiny 18:17:13 <zodbot> nirik: 18:17:20 <nirik> been a somewhat quiet week. 18:17:35 <nirik> packages03 has been hitting high memory, not sure why. 18:17:53 <nirik> log02 also has, but thats collectd. Might be the new rhel7 hosts sending it data it can't grok 18:18:16 <smooge> I will be working on log01 on one of the new virthosts 18:18:19 <nirik> serverbeach07 was me reinstalling it and it dropping off the net and needing rescue mode 18:18:33 <smooge> unless someone wants to take that 18:18:35 <nirik> the rest are largely the usual telia network 18:19:30 <nirik> #topic Upcoming Tasks/Items 18:19:30 <nirik> 18:19:51 <nirik> anything upcoming anyone would like to schedule or note? 18:20:04 <pingou> shiny auto-scolling :) 18:20:06 <nirik> smooge and I will be out at phx2 datacenter toward the end of the month 18:20:27 <nirik> also tomorrow is a holiday in the us... so many us folks will not be near their computers. 18:20:42 <pingou> enjoy the day of the movie :) 18:20:47 <nirik> heh 18:20:58 <mirek-hm> I will be on vacation next week, I gave access to copr to Adam Samalik, who co-develop it with me, so he may fix it if there will be some problem. 18:21:02 <nirik> then in early aug, many folks will be heading to flock. 18:21:14 <nirik> mirek-hm: sounds good. are they on irc any? 18:22:00 <mirek-hm> nirik: good point, i will tell him to join fedora-admin and buildsys 18:22:09 <nirik> cool. 18:23:16 <nirik> also, we have our first f21 freeze coming up. 18:23:31 <nirik> amusingly starting when smooge and I are out at the datacenter. Oops. 18:24:09 <nirik> #topic Open Floor 18:24:17 <nirik> anyone have items for open floor? questions, comments? 18:24:45 <smooge> oh well I expect alpha will be a very long stretch 18:24:52 <pingou> there is the transifex question that poped-up on the list 18:24:55 <nirik> yeah, could well be. 18:25:09 <nirik> pingou: yeah, not sure what to do there. ;( 18:25:43 <hammad_> Hello, I am hammad, working on fedora-college. I was not able to attend last weeks meeting. We have almost done (halfway) with the initial prototype for the product. Have a look 18:25:45 <nirik> really in our scope that just means for websites and our apps we are upstream for right? 18:25:55 <nirik> hey hammad_. welcome. 18:25:59 <pingou> nirik: my problem is that I don't know of any real alternative :( 18:26:15 <pingou> nirik: indeed 18:26:20 <pingou> (for the scope) 18:26:40 <nirik> yeah, zanata is free I think... but not packaged, java and jboss and things we have 0 people who are active in 18:26:54 <nirik> hammad_: will take a look at it. 18:27:15 <hammad_> Thanks :) 18:27:33 <kushal> Is there any other gsoc student here? 18:28:19 <nirik> kushal: last week we have a bunch. ;) 18:28:49 <kushal> nirik, yeah, but they are supposed to report each week :( 18:29:08 <kushal> and no one asks for enough input from infra team. 18:29:15 <lalit_> I am currently working bookmarking channel logs in waartaa(my gsoc project) 18:29:19 <lobocode> o/ 18:29:53 <lalit_> I have written some front end code as of now: 18:30:23 <lalit_> I targeting to complete it by this weekend 18:30:36 <nirik> cool 18:31:39 <nirik> ok, anything else for open floor? 18:32:08 <ootbro> Happy Fourth to all in the U.S. (and Phillipines) 18:32:28 <nirik> :) 18:32:36 <kushal> :) 18:32:37 <nirik> ok, if nothing else will close out in a minute... 18:33:28 <nirik> ok, thanks for coming everyone! 18:33:32 <nirik> #endmeeting