While updating Zodbot to require a meeting topic to start I noted that the document references /usr/lib/python2.6, which no longer exists.. it's python2.7 at this time. Below is the diff with my changes, and an updated version of the rst is attached.

--- zodbot.rst.orig     2015-11-18 18:04:55.152124621 -0500
+++ zodbot.rst  2015-11-18 18:08:35.848942876 -0500
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
of the log uploaded to Trac (don't worry too much about formatting;
meeting.py works well with irssi- and XChat-like logs), then run::

-  sudo python /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/supybot/plugins/MeetBot/meeting.p
y replay /path/to/fixed.log.txt
+  sudo python /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/supybot/plugins/MeetBot/meeting.p
y replay /path/to/fixed.log.txt

Close the Trac ticket, letting the user know that the logs are processed
in the same directory as the URL they gave you.

Dave Shier