Very true.. expanding the dev base I think is the key you are looking for.  Need to throw more bodies at it :)  Could open up possible mentoring activities but with time being short all around, that might not be viable.

On Tue, Jun 27, 2017 at 1:21 PM, Randy Barlow <> wrote:
On Tue, 2017-06-27 at 12:43 -0600, InvalidPath wrote:
> Is the pool of code reviewer small? Maybe another unspoken rule of
> the 'first responder's' to code reviews are the ones who deal with
> the code in question, primarily?  Does that make sense? You deal with
> Bodhi so you'd obviously jump on those CR's whereas someone like
> Nirik might be a guru with.. Ansible would jump on those.
> That might introduce another layer of complexity though, just spit
> balling.

I do tend to be the main person that reviews Bodhi PRs, and that's
probably good since I know it well. I'm more thinking about the quality
of reviews I can give to other people who know their code the best. For
example, if I review a Pagure PR for Pierre-Yves I feel unable to give
the level of quality I am able to give on Bodhi PRs. And probably
nobody can review that code as well as he can.

This probably stems from the fact that we have many tens of projects,
and not many tens of developers. Thus, there are many projects that
only really have one person that knows it well.
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