============================================ #fedora-meeting: Infrastructure (2014-07-31) ============================================
Meeting started by nirik at 18:00:02 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2014-07-31/infrastructure.20... .
Meeting summary --------------- * aloha (nirik, 18:00:02)
* New folks introductions and Apprentice tasks (nirik, 18:01:23)
* Applications status / discussion (nirik, 18:09:05) * LINK: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/rel-eng/2014-July/018167.html for more info (pingou, 18:10:32) * pkgdb new package new branch workflow setup in pkgdb (nirik, 18:11:04) * LINK: :) (pingou, 18:11:34)
* Sysadmin status / discussion (nirik, 18:15:31)
* nagios/alerts recap (nirik, 18:20:24)
* Upcoming Tasks/Items (nirik, 18:25:13) * LINK: https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/list/infrastructure/ (nirik, 18:25:13) * LINK: http://flocktofedora.org/ (nirik, 18:27:05) * flock next week. (nirik, 18:29:58) * alpha freeze 2014-08-12 (nirik, 18:30:06)
* Open Floor (nirik, 18:30:14)
Meeting ended at 18:39:49 UTC.
Action Items ------------
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * **UNASSIGNED** * (none)
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * nirik (85) * pingou (36) * ryayon (14) * mpduty (7) * ootbro (6) * zodbot (5) * lanica (4) * oddshocks_ (4) * smooge (4) * ramesh (3) * relrod (2) * sart (2) * bochecha (1) * janeznemanic (1) * puiterwijk (1) * abadger1999 (1) * lmacken (1) * oddshocks1 (1) * webpigeon (1) * hammad_ (1) * threebean (0) * mdomsch (0) * dgilmore (0) -- 18:00:02 <nirik> #startmeeting Infrastructure (2014-07-31) 18:00:02 <zodbot> Meeting started Thu Jul 31 18:00:02 2014 UTC. The chair is nirik. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:02 <zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 18:00:02 <nirik> #meetingname infrastructure 18:00:02 <nirik> #topic aloha 18:00:02 <nirik> #chair smooge relrod nirik abadger1999 lmacken dgilmore mdomsch threebean pingou puiterwijk 18:00:02 <zodbot> The meeting name has been set to 'infrastructure' 18:00:02 <zodbot> Current chairs: abadger1999 dgilmore lmacken mdomsch nirik pingou puiterwijk relrod smooge threebean 18:00:09 * lmacken 18:00:12 * pingou 18:00:13 * puiterwijk is here 18:00:24 * relrod 18:00:24 <janeznemanic> hi 18:00:31 <ootbro> I'm here 18:00:33 * lanica is here for the infra meeting. 18:00:37 <webpigeon> o/ 18:00:43 <sart> here 18:00:48 <nirik> welcome everyone. 18:01:23 <nirik> #topic New folks introductions and Apprentice tasks 18:01:30 <nirik> any new folks like to introduce themselves? 18:01:32 * bochecha is here 18:01:39 <nirik> or apprentices with questions/comments/ideas? 18:01:54 <mpduty> is here 18:02:06 <ramesh> Hello 18:02:46 <ootbro> From the Apprentice realm..... I posted a draft of the infrastructure diagram at http://www.jt-sw.com/docs/index.nsf/docs/fpo-diag and sent notice to the infra list. nirik is the only one I've heard direclty from so far. 18:03:06 <nirik> :) yeah, do look and provide feedback everyone. 18:03:20 <ramesh> I am working as a DevOps Engineer, I have experience working on orchestration and configuration management using Ansible and Puppet. 18:03:29 * hammad_ is here 18:03:49 <ootbro> I don't mind making changes based on feedback, so definitely let me know if something needs to be adjusted. 18:03:53 <nirik> ramesh: welcome. See me after the meeting in #fedora-admin and I can point you at information to get started. ;) 18:04:08 <ramesh> sure, thanks 18:04:24 <smooge> here (few minutes late) 18:04:26 * abadger1999 here 18:04:36 <ryayon> HiHi 18:04:51 <mpduty> I tried to connect to fedora project machines but bastion.fedoraproject.org is the maximum that I could manage 18:04:53 <ootbro> next on my list is a diagram showing how the proxy services work with a list of services and (very short) descriptions of them. 18:05:20 <nirik> mpduty: ok, see folks in #fedora-admin and we can get it sorted out for you. :) 18:05:36 <mpduty> nirik, yes 18:06:14 <nirik> ryayon: welcome. Care to give a short intro of yourself? are you interested in helping out with sysadmin or more programming tasks? 18:06:17 <sart> I'm a bit hazy on the same topic as mpduty, I'll join in #fedora-admin after the meeting as well to refresh my memory. 18:07:23 <ryayon> Hi all 18:07:31 <nirik> sure. the ssh access sop has the info, but it's a bit confusing at times... 18:07:32 <ryayon> I am a sysadmin for 7/8 now 18:07:48 <ryayon> I don't know yet how I can help you 18:08:07 <ryayon> then I plan to start with resolving some tickets I have been provided 18:08:45 <nirik> ok. Welcome. And do feel free to ask questions as you go. ;) 18:08:50 <ryayon> and I am happy to join your community as a long RHEL likes user since the beginning 18:08:55 <ryayon> thanks 18:09:05 <nirik> #topic Applications status / discussion 18:09:13 <nirik> any applications news this week or upcoming? 18:09:35 <pingou> I worked mostly on progit this week 18:09:55 <pingou> as well as unit-tests for anitya 18:10:18 <pingou> and the admin actions for pkgdb2, the idea being to move the new package/new branch workflow off bugzilla into pkgdb 18:10:29 <nirik> pingou: so progit is perhaps someday a trac replacement? 18:10:32 <pingou> https://lists.fedoraproject.org/pipermail/rel-eng/2014-July/018167.html for more info 18:10:50 <pingou> nirik: if we want to get it to this point, yes :) 18:11:04 <nirik> #info pkgdb new package new branch workflow setup in pkgdb 18:11:22 <nirik> pingou: it does tickets/bugs? or would use something like bugspad for that? 18:11:23 <pingou> I just made my slides for the talk at flock about it, so I want to keep some suspens there ;-) 18:11:29 <nirik> ok, fair enough. 18:11:34 <pingou> :) 18:12:06 <pingou> nirik: it does *basic* tickets 18:12:25 <pingou> as well as doc (via git, so rst/markdown/html) 18:12:36 * nirik prefers trac over github issues (which are way too basic IMHO) 18:12:48 * oddshocks1 appears 18:12:53 <nirik> anyhow, just wondering. 18:12:56 <pingou> I'm happy to make the issues a little more complete 18:13:02 * oddshocks_ 's bouncer is down 18:13:04 * oddshocks_ is here 18:13:08 * oddshocks_ on internal irc 18:13:13 <pingou> but it's kinda fine-tuning once the logic is there 18:13:17 <nirik> pingou: I wonder if plugging bugspad in there might be worth looking at? 18:13:22 <pingou> oddshocks_: nope, here you're on freenode ;) 18:13:24 <nirik> welcome oddshocks_ 18:13:40 <pingou> nirik: could very well be, but then it's 2 apps to maintain vs 1 18:13:48 <nirik> true. 18:13:52 <nirik> just an idea. 18:13:59 <pingou> might be cool :) 18:14:17 <pingou> tickets can anyway be de-activated per project 18:14:36 <pingou> so a project could decide to use bugspad for its tickets easily 18:14:37 <nirik> most of our hosted projects are heavy ticket users... and git... 18:14:45 <nirik> ok 18:14:54 <pingou> (we'll just need to right a git hook for that, somehow) 18:14:59 <oddshocks_> pingou: er, man, you're right. i _am_ in internal, too ;) 18:15:02 <nirik> anything else application wise? It's been a pretty quiet week. 18:15:31 <nirik> #topic Sysadmin status / discussion 18:15:40 <nirik> Also been somewhat quiet on the sysadmin side. 18:15:51 <nirik> smooge and I are recovering from spending all last week at our datacenter. 18:16:20 <pingou> I added the packager_alias role for the cron and script setting up the <pkg>-owner@fp.o aliases, but it's not used anywhere atm 18:16:28 <pingou> nirik: how did that go? 18:16:30 <nirik> We discovered a stupid mistake I made in the base ansible role the other night... I didn't enable iptables service. ;( 18:16:43 <pingou> oupsy :) 18:16:59 <smooge> could have been worse 18:17:02 <nirik> pingou: can we enable it in puppet for now? I'd love to announce the teams stuff for pkgdb at flock. 18:17:19 <smooge> you backed out the setting of root password to letmein1 18:17:29 <nirik> heh. ;) 18:17:36 <pingou> nirik: it's already enabled (and in puppet) 18:17:56 <nirik> oh, cool. 18:17:57 <pingou> smooge: so it's not toor anymore? 18:18:13 <pingou> nirik: I imported it from puppet to ansible when I made the module ;-) 18:18:33 <smooge> and I was wrong to meet our password rules it was 'Password1234' 18:18:42 <nirik> I've been tweaking small things this week and trying to make it so nagios doesn't bother us in the upcoming week too much. 18:18:42 <pingou> nirik: I was thinking to wait for after flock to call for testers, but I guess we can do it during flock (which is even nicer) :) 18:19:03 <nirik> pingou: Yeah, it would be nice. :) 18:19:10 <pingou> we got a deal :) 18:19:17 <nirik> lets see... what else. 18:19:44 <nirik> I re-added the pager app in ansible (we dropped it when we moved to ansible there). 18:19:53 <nirik> Hopefully no one needs it, but it's there if they do 18:20:24 <nirik> #topic nagios/alerts recap 18:21:04 <nirik> humf. 18:21:14 <nirik> mod_auth_openid messes with my url. 18:21:19 <relrod> :( 18:21:38 <nirik> .tiny https://admin.fedoraproject.org/nagios/cgi-bin//summary.cgi?alerttypes=3&... 18:21:39 <zodbot> nirik: http://tinyurl.com/ms5u5qm 18:21:42 <lanica> Was the pager app tested after fixing it? :) 18:22:00 <nirik> lanica: nope, I was adding it in an evening and didn't want to bother people. 18:22:06 <nirik> we can test it tho 18:22:34 <nirik> so, on nagios, the usual telia stuff (still working to move that off that site) 18:22:57 <nirik> and we have seen some periods of packet loss/network problems that are beyond our control. 18:23:14 <lanica> Test self? ;) 18:24:00 <nirik> lanica: it pages the person you pick, but it also mails everyone in sysadmin-main... so I want to be sure it's at a time it won't bother everyone else. 18:24:39 <lanica> Ahh 18:24:57 <pingou> then I think now is a good time, Europe isn't asleep, US are awake (and I don't think we have anyone in APAC in -main) 18:25:02 <nirik> we can probibly test after the meeting 18:25:05 <nirik> yeah 18:25:13 <nirik> #topic Upcoming Tasks/Items 18:25:13 <nirik> https://apps.fedoraproject.org/calendar/list/infrastructure/ 18:25:23 <nirik> so, big upcoming item: flock is next week. 18:25:41 <nirik> lots of us are going to be traveling to/from and be offline at talks, etc. 18:25:59 <nirik> so, please be very carefull with any changes that can cause outages right now. 18:26:15 <nirik> and if folks find problems or issues and no one is around, do ask them to file tickets. 18:26:16 <pingou> aren't ew in freeze? 18:26:18 <pingou> should we? 18:26:25 <nirik> we aren't. 18:26:44 <nirik> but with everyone traveling we kinda are in a practical sense. ;) 18:26:50 <ryayon> What is Flock? 18:26:54 <pingou> true there :) 18:27:05 <nirik> http://flocktofedora.org/ 18:27:11 <nirik> our yearly conference. ;) 18:27:41 <ryayon> OK 18:27:48 <nirik> this time it's in Prague. ;) 18:28:36 <nirik> I'll note we have #fedora-flock channel for the conference. General talk, info and feedback from folks that can't make it is all welcome there. 18:29:21 <nirik> Our new alpha freeze date is 2014-08-12. 18:29:38 <nirik> so, we will have just a little time after flock if there's things we want to do before freeze. 18:29:58 <nirik> #info flock next week. 18:30:06 <nirik> #info alpha freeze 2014-08-12 18:30:14 <nirik> #topic Open Floor 18:30:22 * pingou will be afk from the end of flock until 2014-08-16 18:30:24 <nirik> Any items for open floor? general questions, comments, ideas? 18:30:42 <nirik> pingou: ok. You will come back to a nice freeze. ;) 18:30:47 <pingou> \ó/ 18:31:24 <mpduty> could we elaborate how to connect to fedora project machines a little bit more on the wiki 18:31:46 <mpduty> for apprentice people :) 18:31:48 <nirik> mpduty: http://infrastructure.fedoraproject.org/infra/docs/sshaccess.txt should have the info 18:31:57 <nirik> but very open to ideas on how to make it more clear, etc. 18:32:41 <ootbro> nirik: a once-over look at the layout of the Getting Started wiki page might help -- list everything needed on there to smooth it out 18:32:58 <nirik> yeah 18:33:32 <nirik> I can try and do that. 18:34:30 <ryayon> nirik: maybe I can help 18:35:06 <nirik> sure. 18:35:26 <nirik> that is a wiki page, so edits welcome from anyone. 18:35:34 <mpduty> after doing the config file it took me a while to understand that I had to use 'ssh bastion.fedoraproject.org' to connect, maybe it is obvious but I really missed it 18:35:43 <ryayon> We already have authorizations? 18:36:00 <nirik> mpduty: good point, we should make a note about that in there. 18:36:18 <nirik> ryayon: for the wiki yeah, any person with a fedora account can edit (most) wiki pages. 18:36:47 <ryayon> OK, then I will work on it and let you know about that 18:36:57 <nirik> ok. 18:37:07 <ootbro> ryayon: When I was getting started a couple months ago, it took some troubleshooting to figure out what was missing in my config. I might still have my notes from back then 18:37:13 <pingou> nirik: we don't use ssh bastion, we wouldn't be able to go elsewhere 18:37:14 <ryayon> mpduty: I will notify you once the page is done so you can check it 18:37:26 <mpduty> ryayon, sure 18:37:44 <ryayon> good 18:38:01 <nirik> pingou: depends. I have my setup to assume fedoraproject.org and only add exceptions for my few home machines. ;) 18:38:48 <pingou> ah you mean ssh <hosts>.phx2.fedoraproject.org 18:39:08 <pingou> yeah I am in that case :) 18:39:19 <nirik> right. most people probibly aren't. 18:39:39 <nirik> anyhow, lets continue over in #fedora-admin, #fedora-apps and #fedora-noc. 18:39:43 <pingou> sure 18:39:45 <nirik> Thanks for coming everyone! 18:39:49 <nirik> #endmeeting