On Wed, 24 Jan 2024 at 06:25, Christian Hofstede-Kuhn <christian@hofstede.de> wrote:

I found your Infrastructure "Getting Started" page on the Fedora wiki and
wanted to reach out if you still could use a helping hand in the Fedora Infra

My name is Christian, I am from Germany and I work for more than 20 years
solely with Linux/OSS technologies.

Welcome Christian!

My strengths lay in the Linux and Ansible areas. I worked for the past 10
years in IT-Operations and implemented highly available and resilient e-
commerce setups and am now working for Red Hat in Germany as a consultant and
provide professional services with the Ansible technology stack (Not related
to this mail. I want to volunteer on a completely personal basis). I was
affiliated to the German Chaos Computer Club for many years and  little active
in a Mannheim/Germany based Hackerspace.

Areas of expertise (Ranked by level of knowledge):
- Linux system administration/implementation/maintenance (RPM based, DEB
based, Arch based distributions)
- Ansible
- Scripting (Bash, Python)
- FreeIPA / Keycloak
--- (Less good fields of experience now) ---
- OKD/Kubernetes/Open Shift (Learning that right now)
- Java Application Development (Haven't done that in a couple years)

I am a long term Fedora User (Started using it with Fedora Core 3, Codename
Heidelberg) and would really like to put some work in, if you can need my
skill-set. I have a full-time job but can always find some time to tackle
technical issues and lend my helping hand and volunteer.

My Fedora account is larvitz and you can find me under the same name on IRC or
on Matrix at @chris:matrix.linuxserver.pro.

I hope this mail finds you well and wish you a great time. I would be thrilled
to hear from you and maybe, I can be of help for the Fedora project.

best regards,

E-Mail: christian@hofstede.de
IRC: larvitz@libera.chat
Matrix: @chris:matrix.linuxserver.pro--
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Stephen Smoogen, Red Hat Automotive
Let us be kind to one another, for most of us are fighting a hard battle. -- Ian MacClaren