Dne 03. 11. 23 v 2:06 Dusty Mabe napsal(a):
We'll clean up the ones we do not need soon. I'm sorry it is taking longer than we thought it would to
get garbage collection implemented.

Thank you.

* Fedora-Cloud-Base-29-20190729.0.x86_64-hvm-us-east-1-standard-0 - is this snapshots used to generate AMIs for
getfedora.org? Do we still need it?

If you have snapshots that are important, please check that it have tag FedoraGroup=*
Hmm. Is that required? If so, is it new? 

It is in our SOP for ages


but so far no ones checked it and enforced.

When we (Fedora CoreOS Group) create AMIs we don't add tags
like this to our AMIs.

I am now focusing on Snapshots, but please add it to any resource.

When we started we have few resources there and it was easy to clean up leftovers and identify owners. Now we have there thousands resources in dozen regions. And it is hard to garbage collect resources and identify who is responsible for consuming expensive resources. While this account is sponsored by AWS it does not mean that we can misuse it and leave garbage behind and let Amazon pay for that.


Miroslav Suchy, RHCA
Red Hat, Manager, Packit and CPT, #brno, #fedora-buildsys