An unplanned outage occurred as of approximately 2008-07-31 03:30 UTC and is mostly resolved as of 2008-07-31 06:20 UTC
Affected Services where: - Websites - Package DB, Mirror Manager Admin Interface, Bodhi, Translate - Account System (FAS) - Any other authenticated requests - Buildsystem
Partial Outages: - Hosted (Trac authentication) - Wiki (Read Only, some pages may appear broken as well)
Unaffected Services: - CVS / Source Control - Database - DNS - Mail - Torrent - Fedora Talk
Reason for Outage: Our main filer took a turn for the worst, and took down one of our main database servers and other associated infrastructure.
We have now for the most part resolved the issue, and diagnostic work has begun, we apologise for any inconvenience.
Contact Information:
Please join #fedora-admin in or respond to this email to track the status of this outage.
Nigel Jones