
if you want to see how we work, we have a two daily meetings, where we evaluate new tickets:
CPE Sustaining EU-hours team has a Monday through Friday 30 minute meeting going through tickets at 0830 UTC in #centos-meeting
CPE Sustaining NA-hours team has a Monday through Friday 30 minute meeting going through tickets at 1800 UTC in #fedora-admin

We also doing one weekly meeting on Thursday at 15:00 UTC in #fedora-meeting-1, this is more focused on newcomers.
All the meetings are on freenode [0].

If you want to start right away, you can look at our wiki [1]. Don't hesitate to ask, either on IRC or by e-mail.


[0] - https://freenode.net/
[1] - https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/GettingStarted

On 23/08/2020 19:10, ahmedelmaghallawy@protonmail.com wrote:
dear infrastructure team,

my IRC handle is : elmaghallawy

my skills:
done some projects with Django/ Flask, have been using Linux for two years and on that period I learned a lot and I am eager to give back by contributing,

some certificates I earned:
I want to learn more about how your team works and i am looking forward to solving bugs and problems!
Hope we'll be in touch soon, Looking forward to involve in such interesting community and projects!


infrastructure mailing list -- infrastructure@lists.fedoraproject.org
To unsubscribe send an email to infrastructure-leave@lists.fedoraproject.org
Fedora Code of Conduct: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/project/code-of-conduct/
List Guidelines: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Mailing_list_guidelines
List Archives: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/infrastructure@lists.fedoraproject.org

Role: Fedora CPE Team - Software Engineer
IRC: mkonecny
FAS: zlopez