Thanks to everyone who attended the Websites and Apps Team Hacksesh today.

It was fun deploying some apps on OpenShift.

I figured out what the snag was in deploying Discourse from the main branch today. I updated that branch and it should deploy if you follow the instructions in the using the following new-app command from the root directory of the repo linked below: oc new-app -f openshift/discourse.yml -p PROJECT_NAME=<YOUR-PROJECT-NAME> -p APPLICATION_DOMAIN=<YOUR-PROJECT-NAME> -p DISCOURSE_ADMIN_EMAILS=<your-discourse-user-email> -p DISCOURSE_ADMIN_EMAILS_KEY=<your-discourse-user-password>

If you have an smtp server you want to use you can use that deployment command with the other email args listed in the Email me if you have trouble setting that up and want to set it up because the regular discourse docs won't be helpful for this as my discourse set up is still in progress and it's documentation is still in need of TLC.

Also, the Red Hat developer books I was referring to on OpenShift can be downloaded here with a Red Hat Developer account:

The repo for deploying Discourse to OpenShift:

Jon Trossbach