+1 we need to get fedora-repos updated and tested and into modular fedora. So we can get it's beta done.


On 27 September 2017 2:52:00 am GMT-05:00, Pierre-Yves Chibon <pingou@pingoured.fr> wrote:
On Wed, Sep 27, 2017 at 08:20:51AM +0200, Adrian Reber wrote:
The new MirrorManager2 0.8.3 release correctly detects and creates
repositories for the newly created 'modular' tree:


I have installed the new release in staging and it works correctly. The
changes between MirrorManager2 0.8.1 which is installed in production
and the newly released 0.8.3 is just the 'modular' repository detection
and some additional repository creation/detection code which I also
already used in production successfully.

The mirrormanager2-0.8.3 is in the epel-testing repository.

As I am not aware how important it is to get this installed on the
production systems during beta freeze I am hoping Dennis can tell us if
this is necessary or not.

The changes are minimal and only related to repository detection and
creation. Testing in staging was successful and I do not think it will
break anything.

Should we install the 0.8.3 release during beta freeze or should we

*If* Dennis says it is critical, I'm +1 with it, also because it sounds fairly
straight forward to downgrade.

But definitely better if it can wait post-freeze imho :)


Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.