Hey folks!

I have released and deployed FASJSON 1.1.0 to production a few minutes ago. It's a small release, as you can see. I've also rebased the Openshift image on F34 (it was on F32).

- Field mask support: request more or less object attributes with a HTTP header (#144). See below for an example.
- Expose users’ SSH keys (#186).

Bug Fixes:
- Display indirect groups as well (#188). Users' group list will now have the fedora-contributor and fedorabugs groups that were not there before.

If you were querying FASJSON in a loop before, chances are that you can make use of the field mask feature now and just make one request. For example, Fabian's aliases generation script used to query the members of group X which would only give him the usernames, and then query each user of the group to get their email address. He can now make only one query and add the HTTP header X-Fields set to "{username,emails}", and FASJSON will return the emails as part of the initial query. Curl example:
curl --negotiate -u : https://fasjson.fedoraproject.org/v1/groups/sysadmin-noc/members/ -H "X-Fields: {username,emails}"

That's all, if you have questions feel free to contact me.
