On Sun, Oct 31, 2010 at 10:49 PM, Arnav Kalra <arnavkalra007@gmail.com> wrote:
I think using enlightenment 17 would work wonders it looks cool and

I have not tried yet but Will look into it.
along with awn it will make children wow

MoonOS is other distro on which my friend is working. He is already putting effort into it so i was just waiting for  him. I will look in GoboLinux and MoonOS after their success and will incorporate feature into later version of SchoolOS.  
But I don't know about the resources used by it.
Also localization is absolutely necessary
Do let me know if any thing needed at Localisation part.
Narendra has ncert invested any resources on schoolos
Also if ncert supports schoolos can it allow us to have a version of
it's books in which if we click on a term a small thing pops up with
it's definition and so on.

unable to get what are you talking about.
You may have seen websites in which if we put our cursor over a term a
small thing pops up with ads. It should be something like that but
dictionary definition and link to wikipedia article.
Also we require offline simple English wikipedia but we would need to
modify it heavily and also allow teachers to do so.

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