Thanks for the information & Thanks again for your support.
As per your suggestion, I have followed all the steps and I am now able to install the printer without web access.
Saikat Saha

On 3/28/09, susmit shannigrahi <thinklinux.ssh@gmail.com> wrote:
> We have solved the probelm using the 3rd party driver.There are a command
> "./getweb P1007" in the installation process. it requires the internet
> connection to get the ".img" file from the web.

As Sankarshan da said, they can also be directly downloaded after
enabling rpmfusion repos. You should always use the rpm from repos.
Only reason I suggested building from source, because I didn't know
the correct packages..;)

> But we need to install the ".img" file without web access. Please tell me
> the command for the manual installation of the ".img" file.

Simply follow previous steps and instead of doing
# ./getweb p1007
copy the img file to foo2zjs directory and then run
# make install install-hotplug cups

That will do your job..Please let us know!!!!

> Please find the screen-shot attachment to understand the problem better.

As this is your first mail to list, a few words about mailing lists

1. Please be a bit elaborate and include relevant details(Referring to
your modem mail, the model no, make etc...)
2. Please try not to send html mails to mailing lists unless
absolutely necessary.
3. Please host the screenshots and documents somewhere and pass the
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Thanks & Regards
Saikat Saha