I am currently based out of Mumbai and I can help with some logistics from here. Although I do not see anything specific on etherpad that needs such a thing but I guess shipping swags and stuff can be managed from here.
I can also provide info and local assistance to delegates.

On Fri, Jan 23, 2015 at 1:17 PM, Amit Shah <amitshah@gmx.net> wrote:
On (Fri) 23 Jan 2015 [11:14:00], Siddhesh Poyarekar wrote:
> Now we only need to work really hard and make this event a success!
> We'll be blogging regularly about our progress in making arrangements for
> the event and like 2011, will also make sure that financial details are
> also transparent.  We will also send out calls for volunteers when we need
> them, but if you think you can help in a specific manner, please feel free
> to reach out directly to one of us[1] personally or on this list.

Let's use the #fedora-india channel and this list for planning

The etherpad at


has various activities that need to be done - feel free to volunteer
yourself there - and just do it - no need to ask for permission to do
good stuff :-)

In case there's a volunteer already listed, please co-ordinate to not
duplicate efforts.

To get an idea of what is involved in organising a FUDCon, we have a
nice reading list compiled from the previous iteration:


Follow the links near the end of that post.

Most importantly, let's have fun!

india mailing list