
Facebook now supports XMPP <username@chat.facebook.com works for me via Empathy), also Orkut Chat is basically Google Chat (XMPP again), the only things that need to be added is support to browse friends/albums, etc. What Pino plans to add is status update to Facebook. There are already FOSS apps that can do that (http://www.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=2877035514), we can use that as an existing library if needed and improve on it.

- Hiemanshu

On 16 May 2010 04:06, Rahul Sundaram <metherid@gmail.com> wrote:

Just throwing this idea out in case someone is interested in it.   I see
facebook integration on the roadmap of Pino at
http://pino-app.appspot.com/ using the librest API (
http://moblin.org/projects/librest).  If use Pino as a central library
for social networking integration, we could do nifty things like chat
with facebook/orkut friends via Empathy and add support for browsing
your Facebook friends albums in Shotwell and so on.    I would prefer to
not use the web interfaces at all.
