Yeah... sounds like a great idea... willing to help out 

On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 10:45 AM, Rahul Sundaram <> wrote:
On 09/13/2009 02:08 AM, Aditya Patawari wrote:
> I was just reading the mails about the Fedora print magazine. There
> Paul Frields said that "In the longer term we really do want to move
> away from the Install DVD to a Live DVD that has more
> relevant applications and content". We don't have any SIG for creating
> Live DVD and Live DVD spin. I was thinking to start the same. For this
> community support is very much required. Any one interested, please
> reply to the mail. Any kind of suggestions or pointers are most
> welcome. Some pointers can be found at :-
> Also it would be great help if someone can tell me the procedure of
> creating a SIG. Are there any prerequisites for creation of SIG?

Not really. Just create a wiki page similar to the existing SIG
explaining the details and send a mail to fedora-devel/fedora-desktop
list inviting people to help.


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Jose M Manimala
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