Hi All,
How do we report if we provided DVD's without requested from Fedora-free media.
Most of the time when we conduct seminar to collages we provide free DVD's in bulk to the students.
The frequency will be 3-4 seminar per year and around 100-150 dvds.
I do not know whether this can be considered as Fedora Free media contributor or not.
On Fri, Oct 1, 2010 at 8:53 AM, Ankur Sinha <sanjay.ankur@gmail.com> wrote:ok
> Sorry I missed your name out. It's because I've only taken the "FIXED"
> tickets (ie, shipped and ticket closed) into account. Both your tickets
> are still "ASSIGNED". I guess I'll mention tickets accepted along with
> FIXED from next time.
changed the status to 'fixed'. Last month (August) too I forgot to
change the status of two tickets from assigned to fixed.
A. Mani
A. Mani