We have got another event.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dipanjan Chakraborty <chakraborty.dipanjan(a)gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Jul 28, 2008 at 4:14 PM
Subject: Re: Workshop in Tech Fest
To: Susmit <susmit.shannigrahi(a)gmail.com>
The hosting of the workshop is more or less confirmed. I talked to the
Fest Committee members today and they are looking forward to the
event. Here are the details of the Tech Fest:
1. Duration: 2 days
2. Dates: 28th and 29th August, 2008
3. Venue: RCC Institute of Information Technology Campus/ Beliaghata/
Kolkata -15
4. Expected attendance: anything between 500 to 800. May go up to 1000.
You can choose any of the two days. (I personally prefer the first
day, 28th August).
Any clarifications can be addressed to <regalia2008(a)rediffmail.com> or to me.
I have also provided your email id to the Fest Committee.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [ILUG-BOM] Need Live CD Focused on "Education"
Date: Sun, 27 Jul 2008 22:38:25 +0530
From: Aseem Rane <aseemrane(a)gmail.com>
Reply-To: GNU/Linux Users Group, Mumbai, India <linuxers(a)mm.glug-bom.org>
To: GNU/Linux Users Group, Mumbai, India <linuxers(a)mm.glug-bom.org>
Hi All,
Around 2-3 Years back I handed over a "EduMorphix" CD to a kid.
Recently I was surprised to find her using it even till date.
I noticed that most of the applications on it are quite old compared with
the versions that my daughter plays with.
I want to give her a Live-CD with updated software since I cannot install
anything on her dad's machine.
Unfortunately EduMorphix does not exists anymore.
EduMorphix was just perfect, I dont know why they decided to dis-continue
Freeduc (http://www.ofset.org/freeduc-cd) is not updated in a long time
There is no Live CD for edubuntu.
I am looking for any distibution including at least "TuxPaint", "TuxMath"
and "gCompris".
Can someone suggest a live CD focused on Education?
http://www.gutenberg.net - Fine literature digitally re-published
http://www.plos.org - Public Library of Science
http://www.creativecommons.org - Flexible copyright for creative work
Hello folks,
We are going to host a *public* IRC session in #fedora-india, freenode
today, July 28th 2008 at 3:00 PM and do a quick walk through on the
basics of RPM packaging in Fedora. More details at
Preliminary reading at
Everyone interested in welcome to join us. For those, who won't be able
to attend. Don't worry. We will post the IRC log and plan to host
similar sessions in the future too. Thanks.
Tidbit of the day: We have over 10,000 binary software packages and
nearly 6500 source packages in the Fedora repository.
# yum repolist
Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit
fedora Fedora 9 - i386 enabled : 9,897
updates Fedora 9 - i386 - Updates enabled : 3,032
Hi All,
Today we had a meeting at #fedora-india (irc.feenode.net) at 6:30 PM .
For those who missed it here is the *meeting logs* :--
<kushal> KushalDas
<mj0vy> Sreejith Anujna
<nicbharadwaj> what are the topics to be discussed today??
<prosenji> ProsenjitBiswas
<nicbharadwaj> Nikhil Bharadwaj
<Soumya> SoumyaChakraborty
<mintos> Minto Joseph
<kushal> ok
<kushal> First, packaging session
<kushal> Every one, we are going to have a irc based packaging session
tomorrow 3pm here
<mj0vy> very new to the list, so let me be a silent listener!
<kushal> we will cover from the basics
<kushal> mj0vy, feel free to ask
<mj0vy> i will.. thanks..:)
<kushal> so, please ask your friends also to join in
<kushal> We tried to forward mether's mail on this issue to every list
<kushal> any points/questions on packaging sessions ?
<kushal> anyone
<nicbharadwaj> can it be postponed to a few more hours??
<kushal> nicbharadwaj, no , sorry for that
<nicbharadwaj> how long will the session last??
<nicbharadwaj> 1500 hrs ISt to....??
<kushal> nicbharadwaj, should be more than 1 hour
<kushal> plus we hope people will try to package something on that moment
<kushal> so
<Soumya> I took a aleave from office tommorow :)
<kushal> it should go ahead for few more hours
<kushal> Soumya, good work :P
<mintos> cool Soumya
<Soumya> Actually I will take a a leave, I will be ill tommorow (I love this
logic) :P
<nicbharadwaj> will that meet/session on IRC be sent via mail??
<Soumya> thanks mintos
<prosenji> Better to put it in the web so that people who cant attend can
see it after-hours too
<kushal> nicbharadwaj, yes, we will post the log
<kushal> prosenji, yes, in the wiki ;)
<nicbharadwaj> atleast in the fedora-india list
<kushal> nicbharadwaj, yes
<kushal> any this else on the issue ?
<prosenji> kushal: great :)
<kushal> Next , Fedora events
<kushal> nothing is listed there
<kushal> techbugs is supposed to go to Mutk.in
<kushal> and sushmit will go to the nagpur event
<kushal> those details should come to the wiki
<nicbharadwaj> even I will be there for the mukt.in event @ hyderabad
<kushal> nicbharadwaj, cool
* chacha_c1audhry (n=rakesh(a) has joined #fedora-india
* techbugs wondering how my comp wakes me up when someone calls my name
<kushal> techbugs, please fill wiki :)
<techbugs> sure
<kushal> And for all of us, please put any event that we can attend to
spread Fedora on the wiki
<kushal> techbugs, you have any update on mukt.in trip ?
<techbugs> kaushal, my trip is planned on the weekend, I talked to the
Mukt.in guys they will be having a session and some place reserved for
<kushal> techbugs, use tab :p
<techbugs> ah.. My office network wont let me login to wiki ... can someone
do the wiki edit on my behalk
<kushal> nicbharadwaj, ^^
<techbugs> kushal :) I mostly type faster
<kushal> anyway next point is Freemedia program
<kushal> techbugs, stage is yours :)
<nicbharadwaj> I will probably start up the fedora freemedia at hyd
<kushal> nicbharadwaj, delete the *probably* and start :)
<Bonaparte> ?
<techbugs> well guys, as always FreeMedia receives very big visitor list, we
are doing good but still number of requests are larger then what can be
<kushal> techbugs, you can forward bangalore requests to Soumya
<kushal> Bonaparte, yes
<kushal> Bonaparte, feel free to talk
<techbugs> i still have some DVDs to ship for this month , sometime got lazy
and sometime busy..
<Soumya> yes kushal, techbugs I can handle those till my DVD writer is alive
<techbugs> kushal , ok
<Bonaparte> I'm new here. I haven't been following up with the Fedoraproject
for a while. I'm curios to know how is the free media program progressing in
<techbugs> Soumya , can u try finding some of the pending requests from the
<kushal> techbugs, I guess he can do only direct distribution , not on
<Soumya> let me see techbugs
<techbugs> ya, I ment searching for Bangalore requests...
<techbugs> Soumya, ok.. i'll try to do some searching too in the time
* chacha_chaudhry has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
<kushal> Bonaparte, feel free to take charge of requests in Bangalore
<Bonaparte> I listed myself in the local contacts page. Please feel free to
route any new request to me
<Soumya> me too
<Bonaparte> kushal, I will look for requests in Bangalore.
<kushal> cool
* abhishek (n=abhishek(a) has left #fedora-india
("Konversation terminated!")
<kushal> any other issue
<kushal> anyone wants to talk on anything ?
<techbugs> thats good, I take the names from local contact page every month
for the list, if anyone hasnt i'll request them to add the name there
<kushal> I assume we can call the meeting is over
Soumya Kanti Chakraborty
Fedora-india mailing list
For all the events that you are participating in, please create a wiki
page under
A note is fine for a start but more information is useful for
transparent planning and promotion. Many of this events are recurring on
a yearly basis and it is great to have a track of what has been done in
the past and learn from that.
Also some of the questions you get from the audience tends to be
repetitive and we have tried to address many of those in
It would be useful to make sure you are familiar with these and upload
your presentations if any to the page too. If you have questions, feel
free to voice them.
So in keeping with last Sunday's discussion, lets start trading
reviews with each other.
Here are some of my submissions pending a review:
+ gnome-valgrind-session - Run an entire GNOME session under valgrind
+ gtest - Google C++ testing framework
Happy hacking,
On Friday 25 July 2008 07:16:11 pm ankur sinha wrote:
> Hi Kushal,I'll do it.. Might take me a little time though. College just
> begun and am settling down. Hope thats okay. Fedora 9 x86_64 or i386 by the
> way?regards,Ankur
i386 should do :)
Fedora Ambassador, India
http://kushaldas.inhttp://dgplug.org (Linux User Group of Durgapur)
I had a few questions:
o how well placed is Fedora for being a daily-use system for those who
are visually challenged
- installation
- daily usage
o is there an assessment of what bits are missing
o how well do the software lend themselves to be used
all this is leading up to the question of can a 'spin' be conceived
http://www.gutenberg.net - Fine literature digitally re-published
http://www.plos.org - Public Library of Science
http://www.creativecommons.org - Flexible copyright for creative work