On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 11:25 PM, pravin.d.s@gmail.com <pravin.d.s@gmail.com> wrote:
  • Liberation fonts - long pending update to 2.00.1. Some work has been done but need more collaboration on pushing it to rawhide and more testing before final release.  (1 Hour)
I think a Fonts meetup would be good too, possibly with the Fonts SIG or other fonts package maintainers.
A related topic/project could be extending langpack Weak deps to fonts packages for example.

  • Using OpenQA to automate i18n testing for Fedora. It will help to catch bugs early during Fedora development cycle. (2 Hour)
How about as a half-day FAD hackfest?  (Or even whole day?)  I think that would be awesome.
