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Summary: [ml_IN] KDE applications display is too small with smc-meera-fonts
Summary: [ml_IN] KDE applications display is too small with
Product: Fedora
Version: 12
Platform: All
OS/Version: Linux
Status: NEW
Keywords: i18n
Severity: medium
Priority: low
Component: smc-fonts
AssignedTo: psatpute(a)
ReportedBy: apeter(a)
QAContact: extras-qa(a)
CC: fedora-fonts-bugs-list(a),
psatpute(a), rajeeshknambiar(a),
Estimated Hours: 0.0
Classification: Fedora
Target Release: ---
Created an attachment (id=373059)
--> (
Screenshot for Lokalize with smc-meera-fonts
Description of problem:
Login to Malayalam (ml_IN) locale where smc-meera-fonts is the default font,
the display of KDE applications like lokalize, kate etc looks very small when
compared with other applications. Screenshot attached for lokalize and kate
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Login to gnome desktop in Malayalam locale
2. Open any keda applications like lokalize, kate
3. Compare the font size of these applications with any others
Actual results:
Reproducing above steps, you can observe that the kde applications' size is
Expected results:
The font size must be viewable enough or must be same like other applications
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Summary: [localize] Editing with Backspace and moving forward create junk data in Translation field
Summary: [localize] Editing with Backspace and moving forward
create junk data in Translation field
Product: Fedora
Version: 14
Platform: Unspecified
OS/Version: Unspecified
Status: NEW
Keywords: i18n
Severity: medium
Priority: low
Component: kdesdk
AssignedTo: than(a)
ReportedBy: aalam(a)
QAContact: extras-qa(a)
CC: rdieter(a), than(a),
kevin(a), ltinkl(a),
thomasj(a), jreznik(a),
i18n-bugs(a), ry(a),
smparrish(a), rnovacek(a)
Classification: Fedora
Target Release: ---
Created attachment 469262
Video/OGG for Problem
Description of problem:
While using lokalize for translation, if edit some text (preferably with tag,
problem exist without tab, but not easy to reproduce), and move forward and
just return back, check Text in string. Many more characters are just inserted
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. run lokalize with translation file (PO file [1])
2. input something in local language (other than English)
3. Use BackSpace to delete some (not all)
5. Page Down (Move to next string)
6. Page Up (Move back to original String
Actual results:
Junk data inserted in text field automatically, which is not typed
Expected results:
Only Text should be there, which is typed, works fine with BackSpace
Additional info:
Need to check bug fix, it
there is regression.
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comments should be made in the comments box of this bug.
Summary: [lokalize] Application Crash with Backspace (qt-4.7.1 bug)
Summary: [lokalize] Application Crash with Backspace (qt-4.7.1
Product: Fedora
Version: 14
Platform: Unspecified
OS/Version: Unspecified
Status: NEW
Severity: high
Priority: low
Component: qt
AssignedTo: than(a)
ReportedBy: aalam(a)
QAContact: extras-qa(a)
CC: rdieter(a), than(a),
kevin(a), itamar(a),
ltinkl(a), thomasj(a),
jreznik(a), i18n-bugs(a),
smparrish(a), rnovacek(a)
Classification: Fedora
Target Release: ---
Description of problem:
lokalize (Application for translation) is crashing after updating to latest
version of QT 4.7.1.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Everytime with backspace
Steps to Reproduce: any PO file with lokalize
2. press <SPACE>
Actual results:
it crashed
Expected results:
it should work
Additional info:
QT Bug Report:
BackTrace for Fedora:
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Summary: [ml_IN]Lohit font rendering of cons+virama+ra is wrong in KDE
Summary: [ml_IN]Lohit font rendering of cons+virama+ra is wrong
in KDE
Product: Fedora
Version: rawhide
Platform: All
OS/Version: Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: medium
Priority: low
Component: lohit-malayalam-fonts
AssignedTo: psatpute(a)
ReportedBy: santhosh.thottingal(a)
QAContact: extras-qa(a)
CC: fedora-fonts-bugs-list(a),
psatpute(a), smc-discuss(a),
Estimated Hours: 0.0
Classification: Fedora
Created an attachment (id=364359)
--> (
Comparison of rendering in kde and gnome
Description of problem:
The lohit font 2.4.4 version gives wrong redering in KDE for cons + virama + ra
See the attached screenshot.
The prebase ra sign becomes postbase in KDE applications, while in GNOME
applications it is correct.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
Lohit 2.4.4
KDE 4.3.2
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Compare the rendering of പ്രഭാതം, അക്രമം, സൂത്രം etc in gedit and kate
Actual results:
See the attached screenshot
Expected results:
See the attached screenshot
Additional info:
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Summary: "Ctrl+Shift+u" & "enter email address" don't seem to work w/"Japanese-Anhty"
Summary: "Ctrl+Shift+u" & "enter email address" don't seem to
work w/"Japanese-Anhty"
Product: Fedora
Version: 15
Platform: i686
OS/Version: Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: unspecified
Priority: unspecified
Component: ibus-anthy
AssignedTo: tfujiwar(a)
ReportedBy: nomnex(a)
QAContact: extras-qa(a)
CC: tagoh(a), tfujiwar(a),
Classification: Fedora
Story Points: ---
Type: ---
Description of problem:
F-15 LXDE, en_US, keyboard JP. I Japanese-Anthy, with the default shortcuts, to
input Japanese.
Anthy on-off: Ctrl+J
Circle input method: Ctrl+, (Hiragana, Katakana, Romaji)
There are 2 things that don't work as long as I use Japanese-Anthy
I cannot enter Macron letters when I type Romaji. Example: "Tookyoo" is
"Tōkyō". I use "Shift+Control+u 014D": it works with default input, it works
with ibus French-Canadian, but it does not work with Japanes-Anthy set to
English (_A) or set to "off".
Sylpheed is the default email client on Fedora LXDE.
As long as the input method is set to Anthy, I cannot enter the email of a
contact in the "To" "Cc" or "BBc" fields.
1. Anthy-ibus (either set to off, either set to _A - to type English)
2. In Sylpheed Ctrl+ (Open new message)
3. "To" field: only a single letter can be entered.
Additional info:
I would like to leave my input set to Japanse-Anthy in permanence but
currently, I cannot input Romaji letters with Maccrons, and I cannot send
emails to my contacts unless I turn input off (Ctrl+Space) or set the ibus to
another input than Japanese.
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Summary: Bold 'u' looks skinny
Summary: Bold 'u' looks skinny
Product: Fedora
Version: 15
Platform: Unspecified
OS/Version: Unspecified
Status: NEW
Severity: unspecified
Priority: unspecified
Component: liberation-fonts
AssignedTo: psatpute(a)
ReportedBy: mkasik(a)
QAContact: extras-qa(a)
CC: petersen(a),
psatpute(a), i18n-bugs(a)
Classification: Fedora
Story Points: ---
Created attachment 506011
ftview of LiberationSans-Bold.ttf
Description of problem:
Letter 'u' from LiberationSans-Bold.ttf has vertical lines narrower than it
should have at size 18 (when comparing with 'n').
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
execute "ftview 18 /usr/share/fonts/liberation/LiberationSans-Bold.ttf" (or see
the attached image) and compare letter 'u' with letter 'n'.
Additional info:
This was introduced in upstream commit;a=commit;h=054d3217…
which is a fix of
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Summary: [CJK] vertical clock time text rotated wrong way
Summary: [CJK] vertical clock time text rotated wrong way
Product: Fedora
Version: rawhide
Platform: All
OS/Version: Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: medium
Priority: low
Component: gnome-panel
AssignedTo: rstrode(a)
ReportedBy: petersen(a)
QAContact: extras-qa(a)
CC: tagoh(a), rstrode(a),
Estimated Hours: 0.0
Classification: Fedora
Target Release: ---
Created an attachment (id=362429)
--> (
Description of problem:
In F12 the rotation of vertical text seems to have changed.
For Chinese, Japanese and Korean the time is opposite
direction to the date also.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
every time
Steps to Reproduce:
1. start CJK gnome desktop
2. create a left panel
3. add clock
Actual results:
see screenshot
Expected results:
closer to f11 would be better
(ideally ideally should be vertical not rotated)
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comments should be made in the comments box of this bug.
Summary: [Indic] [Mail] [HTML] Underline is printed as Strike for Indic Text
Summary: [Indic] [Mail] [HTML] Underline is printed as Strike
for Indic Text
Product: Fedora
Version: 13
Platform: All
OS/Version: Linux
Status: NEW
Keywords: i18n
Severity: medium
Priority: low
Component: evolution
AssignedTo: mbarnes(a)
ReportedBy: aalam(a)
QAContact: i18n-bugs(a)
CC: mbarnes(a), mcrha(a),
Classification: Fedora
Target Release: ---
Created attachment 440885
Screenshot with problme in Hindi
Description of problem:
While printing a mail (even save as PDF) with Body has Underline Indic text,
printed as Strike. As you increase size of font, Striking line moved toward
middle of Word.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. run evolution
2. New Mail - > HTML format
3. input Indic character (इराक़HINDI के कई शहरों मेंENGNLISH धमाके हुए हैं,
जिनमें 30 लोगों के मारे जाने और अन्य)
4. Select +3, +2, +1 Size
5. Select Underline
6. Print (as PDF or Hard copy)
Actual results:
Indic Characters has problem, while English Characters are ok with underline
Expected results:
Underline should under the characters
Additional info:
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comments should be made in the comments box of this bug.
Summary: better localized name for zh_TW in locale-list
Summary: better localized name for zh_TW in locale-list
Product: Fedora
Version: rawhide
Platform: All
OS/Version: Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: low
Priority: low
Component: system-config-language
AssignedTo: psatpute(a)
ReportedBy: chaoweilun(a)
QAContact: extras-qa(a)
CC: psatpute(a),
i18n-bugs(a), nkumar(a)
Classification: Fedora
Description of problem:
The localized name for the locale zh_TW is inadequate.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1.running system-config-language or
2.viewing /usr/share/system-config-language/locale-list
Actual results:
Expected results:
Additional info:
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Summary: [kn_IN] 0CB0 + 200D + 0CCD + 0C95+ 0CBE consonant is wrongly rendering
Summary: [kn_IN] 0CB0 + 200D + 0CCD + 0C95+ 0CBE consonant is
wrongly rendering
Product: Fedora
Version: rawhide
Platform: Unspecified
OS/Version: Unspecified
Status: NEW
Severity: unspecified
Priority: unspecified
Component: lohit-kannada-fonts
AssignedTo: psatpute(a)
ReportedBy: svenkate(a)
QAContact: extras-qa(a)
CC: fonts-bugs(a),
psatpute(a), i18n-bugs(a)
Classification: Fedora
Story Points: ---
Created attachment 490712
Actual and correct rendering
Description of problem:
ra+ ZWJ+ halanth + consonant + aa (0CB0 + 200D + 0CCD + 0C95+ 0CBE) is wrongly
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Every time
Steps to Reproduce:
1.Open any text editor (say gedit)
2.Input following raw code key sequence:
0CB0 + 200D + 0CCD + 0C95+0CBE
3.Look at the resulting glyph
Actual results:
Shown in the attachment
Expected results:
Shown in the attachment
Additional info:
This was tested with following rendering engines:
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