2012/4/29 Marc Joel Jamero <mail@marcjoeljamero.com>
Hi! I'm currently downloading the 3.54GB installer of Fedora. I'm a game developer and used to be doing frameworks/games using DirectX9. Since, I do have knowledge making games using OpenGL and doesn't want to spend a lot of money on buying paid OS, I chose Fedora(after lots of research) to be my development platform. It would be so kind of you to send me an offline installer and a beginner's guide; I would appreciate it very much. I want to master linux for game development. I'm currently doing a prototype of the strategy game we designed(together with 2 artists). Bottom-line, I want to master Fedora, install my needs(Drivers, IDE, OpenGL library, etc), develop the game and release Linux and Windows versions. If some of my words/phrases are somewhat offending or too demanding, I apologize for I'm not that good in English.


Marc Joel Jamero
Game Developer


Your request is quite wide, involving design, development, simple Linux usage…
I could point you to several resources:

http://fedoraproject.org/get-help (see about specific mailing lists)

You would get better support by asking help for one precise task at a time (in the right topic).
for example, installing Fedora, or installing a specific toolchain.

Best Regards,

Kévin Raymond