On Tue, Mar 22, 2011 at 8:31 PM, pravin.d.s@gmail.com <pravin.d.s@gmail.com> wrote:

On 22 March 2011 15:50, Arjuna Rao Chavala <arjunaraoc@googlemail.com> wrote:

Urdu Gnome  localisation is pretty low as per
It may be desirable to improve the localisation, before pursueing FUELinitative.

I think FUEL will boost the l10n activity.  Fuel is a first step before starting localization (though not happen in this way) , afterwords it can be used as a database for doing l10n activity.

In this case all the translations will be standardize as well.

FUEL started when lot of languages started localizations. and so we adopt both way...

As per my perspective, a language can join this project anytime.  If already localized, then FUEL entries need to be translated on the basis of current community practices.  If a language is just starting to localize, then the language community should translate these entries . In both cases, the language community who choose to follow FUEL, will organize of Evaluation Workshop/Meet with some linguists, technical persons, users, language journalists along with active localizers or the localizers who are going to work on the language. The evaluated list then will be released for the community to use. The main thrust is that we believe that collaboration can give a great result in creating content.

Rajesh Ranjan