
For the past one week I have been experiencing delays in several aspects. The repository issue has been temporarily addressed by keeping the repository address in the database, but not fetching updates. The issues pointed out by Shakthi in [0] currently make it look ineffective to link with any single repository hosting system or even one single CVS for that matter. I spent yesterday hacking with restful_authentication trying to resolve the other issue, but it still does not work. Since all core features have been implemented and the delays are falling in the buffer period set aside, they have not hampered the progress.

I had written unit tests for models earlier (not yet committed), and will use them with factory_girl instead of fixtures. Amongst the agendas for the coming week is to render XML apart from HTML and writing a concise documentation on how to test out the project features (for usability tests by the community).

Currently, I am having very limited internet connectivity in the past couple of days. Please excuse this, I would keep committing as regularly possible. 

[0] https://fedorahosted.org/pipermail/fsoc/2010-July/000040.html

Warm Regards,
Gaurav Menghani