
As you might have noted, recently a lot of activity has been happening at the 
FSoC repository. This is because my mentor, Shreyank Gupta had a Hack Session
at his place this Saturday and Sunday. :-)

Shreyank gave a lot of valuable suggestions. A lot has been done in terms of
improving the usability. Some of the improvements that have been done are:
* The page heading is now customizable
* Relevant task deadlines for the user appear in the calendar (Big improvement)
* Fixed a certificate security bug
* One upload button for Uploading both the Logo and the Watermark
* Admin Dashboard has been significantly cleaned
* Timeframes are now loaded and saved directly from and to the app_settings.yml 
file. Thus, the need for an AppSettings model has been eliminated.
* The 'About' page is now customized to load the program's 'About' text.
* 80 columns for every text-box.
* Validation of Task Deadline in Summer Coding mode. (Check if the deadline is 
before the Coding Starts date or after the Coding Ends date)
* The datafile.rb file has been removed and the uploading function has been 
moved into the controller
* Task Status now replies appropriately if there are no tasks in a user's project.
* The _dashboard partial which was in the app/views/dashboard folder has now 
moved to app/views/user folder and named appropriately.
* app_settings.yml's format has been significantly simplified and organized.
* Moved the SETUP file to the doc folder, as README_FOR_APP (However it is not 
yet up-to-date with the current version).

What you can expect in the coming week:
* Editing the app_settings from the Dashboard for the Admin (Will be done soon)
* Ajaxification of the Dashboard, Project and User pages
* Access Controls going into the appropriate model
* Updating the README_FOR_APP file.

I would like to thank Shreyank for spending time on going through my work, and 
pointing out what could be improved. I am immensely happy the way FSoC has 
improved over the weekend. :-)

Gaurav Menghani