
I was writing functional tests for the application. Since, most of the pages require a login, the login_as method is being used to fake the login [1]. The application makes use of the RESTful Authentication plugin for authentication.

However, since there are three types of users and each with different level of access rights, I wanted the tests to be run for each type of users with appropriate responses being expected and verified. Thus, requiring login and logout every time the test is to be run for a particular user. However, once login_as is used, I am not able to use login_as for some other user in the test. [0] and users.yml at [3]. What I mean to say is the session persists and I am not able to destroy it.

This is what I tried:

1. Simply try calling login_as again. This would over-write the session.
2. Do @request[session_id] = nil explicitly before trying a new user.
3. Call logout_killing_session [2]. But this throws a no method error for 'reset_session'
    3.1 Tried including the Authentication, Authorization and Trustification modules, but the issue still remains.
4. Made a logout method in authenticated_test_helper.rb which does @request[session_id] = nil

If you know, please let me know how I could fix this.

[0] http://pastie.org/1039110
[1] http://github.com/reddragon/fsoc/blob/master/lib/authenticated_test_helper.rb#L3
[2] http://github.com/reddragon/fsoc/blob/master/lib/authenticated_system.rb#L166
[3] http://pastie.org/1039122

Warm Regards,
Gaurav Menghani