Hello the list,
We'd like to grant users with the helpdesk role the ability to manipulate other user's OTP tokens. The minimum would be to add them, delete them, and enable/disable them.
This is currently possible if an admin sets a token's managedBy attribute to the helpdesk user's DN. We don't want to grant our helpdesk agents admin privileges.
So, this is the permission I created:
$ ipa permission-show 'Manage OTP Tokens' --all --raw
dn: cn=Manage OTP Tokens,cn=permissions,cn=pbac,dc=test,dc=org
cn: Manage OTP Tokens
ipapermright: all
ipapermincludedattr: ipatokenOwner
ipapermincludedattr: ipatokenUniqueID
ipapermincludedattr: ipatokenOTPdigits
ipapermincludedattr: ipatokenOTPkey
ipapermincludedattr: ipatokenTOTPclockOffset
ipapermincludedattr: ipatokenTOTPtimeStep
ipapermbindruletype: permission
ipapermlocation: cn=otp,dc=test,dc=org
ipapermtargetfilter: (objectclass=ipaToken)
ipapermissiontype: SYSTEM
ipapermissiontype: V2
aci: (targetattr = "ipatokenOTPdigits || ipatokenOTPkey || ipatokenOwner || ipatokenTOTPclockOffset || ipatokenTOTPtimeStep || ipatokenUniqueID")(targetfilter = "(objectclass=ipaToken)")(version 3.0;acl "permission:Manage OTP Tokens";allow (all) groupdn = "ldap:///cn=Manage OTP Tokens,cn=permissions,cn=pbac,dc=test,dc=org";)
member: cn=Manage OTP Token,cn=privileges,cn=pbac,dc=test,dc=org
memberindirect: cn=helpdesk,cn=roles,cn=accounts,dc=test,dc=org
memberindirect: uid=helpagent,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=test,dc=org
objectclass: top
objectclass: groupofnames
objectclass: ipapermission
objectclass: ipapermissionv2
However this does not work:
$ kinit helpagent
Password for helpagent@TEST.ORG:
$ ipa otptoken-find
0 OTP tokens matched
Number of entries returned 0
Is there something happening in the back end preventing these permissions from workin?
Any suggestions?