Hi again,
I tried to connect two of my replicas, but could not:
Executed from replica2: `ipa-replica-manage connect -v replica1.example.com replica2.example.com`
Connection unsuccessful: replica2.example.com is an IPA Server, but it might be unknown, foreign or previously deleted one.
If I invert the order: `ipa-replica-manage connect -v replica2.example.com replica1.example.com`
Connection unsuccessful: replica1.example.com is an IPA Server, but it might be unknown, foreign or previously deleted one.
I get the same output when executed from other freeIPA servers (e.g. from the CRL).
One potential important information: `ipa-replica-manage dnarange-show` -> crl.example.com: 134000170-134050499 replica1.example.com: 134050501-134100499 replica2.example.com: No range set
What is the problem ? What should I do ?
Can anybody provide some suggestions about this problem ? It prevents me from updating my CS master.
I tried to delete my replica2. To clean everything, agreements, RUVs on each master. Then to create the replica again: exact same problem: I can not connect it to the other replica, and it has no dna range.
What could I do ?
I just understood that the dnarange unset part is normal: "New IPA masters do not automatically get a DNA range assignment. A range assignment is done only when a user or POSIX group is added on that master." from man ipa-replica-manage
[ Sorry for the multiple mails ]
I just found out that the other replica (replica1) does not see at all the new replica (replica2). I tried from the web UI, ipa server-find, ipa-replica-manager list on that replica (replica1).
How can I make replica1 "aware" of replica2 ?
Just solved it: replica1 could not find replica2.
I checked on its DNS, it was missing all replica2 entries. I cleaned manually some DNS entries and forced the synchronization with the master --> it solved the problem.
I could then connect my two replicas ! Sorry for the noise.