So i'm trying to add FreeRADIUS as a service to my IPA setup. I"ve added the service using --force and i'm trying to get the keytab for it but getting the following error: [root@asm-rancid02 keytabs]# ipa-getkeytab -s asm-rancid02.mgt.asm.borg.local. -p radius/asm-rancid02.mgt.asm.borg.local -k /etc/krb5.keytabUnable to initialize STARTTLS sessionFailed to bind to server!Retrying with pre-4.0 keytab retrieval method...Unable to initialize STARTTLS sessionFailed to bind to server!Failed to get keytab[root@asm-rancid02 keytabs]#
Do I need to generate a keytab first? Should this be generated when I add the server to the domain/realm?