Hello Alexander,
Thanks for you clarification, the problem was: The user change password in the personal computer but this action hit in other domain controller (balancing) not necessarily where the passsync program is installed so some user hit to AD (with passsync and sync ok) but other user hit to AD2 (without passsync and not sync) . I will install the passsync inside AD2 and will try. 


Miguel Coa M.

2018-04-18 4:03 GMT-03:00 Alexander Bokovoy <abokovoy@redhat.com>:
On ti, 17 huhti 2018, Miguel Angel Coa M. via FreeIPA-users wrote:
Hello Guy's,
I have IPA server 4.5, conected to Windows AD the user replication is ok,
but i have strange problem with password sync some user synchronize
password without problem but other user account not password synchronize

User ok (can successfully log in)

 User login: pruebas.sistemas
 First name: Pruebas
 Last name: Sistemas
 Home directory: /home/pruebas.sistemas
 Login shell: /bin/bash
 Principal alias: pruebas.sistemas@EXAMPLE.COM
 Email address: pruebas.sistemas@example.com
 UID: 494205252
 GID: 494205252
 Account disabled: False
 Password: True
 Kerberos keys available: True

Log ssh auth

Apr 17 16:45:03 odi-scan sshd[26044]: pam_sss(sshd:auth): authentication
success; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost=
Apr 17 16:45:05 odi-scan sshd[26041]: Accepted keyboard-interactive/pam for
pruebas.sistemas from port 64603 ssh2
Apr 17 16:45:05 odi-scan sshd[26041]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session
opened for user pruebas.sistemas by (uid=0)
Apr 17 16:45:19 odi-scan sshd[26041]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session
closed for user pruebas.sistemas

User error (can't ssh log in)

  User login: rodrigo.gutierrez
 First name: Rodrigo Antonio
 Last name: Gutiérrez Torres
 Home directory: /home/rodrigo.gutierrez
 Login shell: /bin/bash
 Principal alias: rodrigo.gutierrez@EXAMPLE.COM
 Email address: rodrigo.gutierrez@example.com
 UID: 494206316
 GID: 494206316
 Telephone Number: +15013
 Job Title: Ingeniero en Sistemas
 Account disabled: False
 Password: False
 Member of groups: admins
 Member of Sudo rule: admin-log
 Kerberos keys available: False

Error to server client:

Apr 17 17:06:54 odi-scan sshd[27243]: pam_sss(sshd:auth): authentication
failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost=
Apr 17 17:06:54 odi-scan sshd[27243]: pam_sss(sshd:auth): received for user
rodrigo.gutierrez: 17 (Failure setting user credentials)

Two ssh connection is against the same server .
For the second user a login failure is expected because it has no
password set on the account.

I guess you'd need to look into passsync logs to understand whether
there is a failure in synchronization of the password on a password
change in AD. Typical issues might be:
- you haven't installed passsync plugin on all DCs and user used a
  different DC to do a password change where there is no passsync
  plugin so the password is not intercepted for a sync
- user did never change a password since establishing a sync procedure.

/ Alexander Bokovoy
Sr. Principal Software Engineer
Security / Identity Management Engineering
Red Hat Limited, Finland