Hello, i'm having some trouble getting sudoers to work.
I have 5 machines joined to the FreeIPA domain and I have a user group called ops and ops_sudoers. Both have permission to full sudo.
[andrew.meyer@jira02 ~]$ ipa sudorule-find ALL
1 Sudo Rule matched
Rule name: All
Enabled: TRUE
Host category: all
Command category: all
Sudo Option: !authenticate
Number of entries returned 1
[andrew.meyer@jira02 ~]$ ipa sudorule-show ALL
Rule name: All
Enabled: TRUE
Host category: all
Command category: all
Users: brian.keithly, andrew.meyer
User Groups: ops_sudoers, ops
RunAs Users: process
Sudo Option: !authenticate
[andrew.meyer@jira02 ~]$ sudo su -
[sudo] password for andrew.meyer:
Sorry, user andrew.meyer is not allowed to execute '/bin/su -' as root on jira02.mgt.example.net.
[andrew.meyer@jira02 ~]$
My HBAC is set to allow_all.
[root@jira02 log]# cat /etc/sssd/sssd.conf
cache_credentials = True
krb5_store_password_if_offline = True
krb5_realm = EXAMPLE.NET
ipa_domain = mgt.example.net
id_provider = ipa
auth_provider = ipa
access_provider = ipa
ipa_hostname = jira02.mgt.example.net
chpass_provider = ipa
dyndns_update = True
ipa_server = _srv_, infra-test-ipa.example.net
dyndns_iface = ens160
ldap_tls_cacert = /etc/ipa/ca.crt
services = nss, pam, ssh, sudo
domains = mgt.example.net
homedir_substring = /home
[root@jira02 log]#