Hi Markus,

On Mon, Feb 19, 2024 at 9:07 AM Markus Rexhepi-Lindberg via FreeIPA-users <freeipa-users@lists.fedorahosted.org> wrote:
Hi Florence,

Thanks for looking into this I appreciate it very much!

master# ldapsearch -xLLL -o ldif-wrap=no -D "cn=directory manager" -W -s sub -b cn=config objectclass=nsds5replicationagreement dn
Enter LDAP Password:
dn: cn=meTose-rhidm03x.se.example.com,cn=replica,cn=dc\3Dlnx\2Cdc\3Dexample\2Cdc\3Dcom,cn=mapping tree,cn=config

dn: cn=meTousidc1-rhidm01x.idc1.us.example.com,cn=replica,cn=dc\3Dlnx\2Cdc\3Dexample\2Cdc\3Dcom,cn=mapping tree,cn=config

dn: cn=se-rhidm02x.se.example.com-to-se-rhidm01x.se.example.com,cn=replica,cn=dc\3Dlnx\2Cdc\3Dexample\2Cdc\3Dcom,cn=mapping tree,cn=config

dn: cn=se-rhidm02x.se.example.com-to-se-rhidm04x.se.example.com,cn=replica,cn=dc\3Dlnx\2Cdc\3Dexample\2Cdc\3Dcom,cn=mapping tree,cn=config

dn: cn=caTose-rhidm03x.se.example.com,cn=replica,cn=o\3Dipaca,cn=mapping tree,cn=config

dn: cn=se-rhidm02x.se.example.com-to-se-rhidm01x.se.example.com,cn=replica,cn=o\3Dipaca,cn=mapping tree,cn=config

dn: cn=se-rhidm02x.se.example.com-to-se-rhidm04x.se.example.com,cn=replica,cn=o\3Dipaca,cn=mapping tree,cn=config

On the master "meTousidc1-rhidm01x.idc1.us.example.com" is there after
running ipa-replica install <...> from the replica. This has been found
after all my install attempts and I have been removing that entry using.

master# ldapmodify -x -D "cn=directory manager" -W <<EOF
dn: cn=meTousidc1-rhidm01x.idc1.us.example.com,cn=replica,cn=dc\3Dlnx\2Cdc\3Dexample\2Cdc\3Dcom,cn=mapping tree,cn=config
changetype: delete

I tried a clean install as per your suggestion but it fails in the same
way. Worth to note that `ipa server-del <replica fqdn>` was not
possible since I could not find the replica using `ipa server-find`.
Maybe that indicates an issue?

When running the `ipa-replica-install <...>` command I get the
following error and warning.

Could not resolve hostname se-rhidm03x.se.example.com using DNS. Clients may not function properly. Please check your DNS setup. (Note that this check queries IPA DNS directly and ignores /etc/hosts.)
Continue? [no]: yes
WARNING: 2 existing users or groups do not have a SID identifier assigned.
Installer can run a task to have ipa-sidgen Directory Server plugin generate
the SID identifier for all these users. Please note, in case of a high
number of users and groups, the operation might lead to high replication
traffic and performance degradation. Refer to ipa-adtrust-install(1) man page
for details.

Do you want to run the ipa-sidgen task? [no]: no

What I do to install the replica is first manually installing it as a
client, adding it to the ipaservers hostgroup and then running the
`ipa-replica-install <...>` command.

replica# ipa-client-install --domain lnx.example.com --force-join --mkhomedir --no-ntp --principal idmsrvjoin --realm LNX.EXAMPLE.COM

master# ipa hostgroup-add-member ipaservers --hosts usidc1-rhidm01x.idc1.us.example.com

replica# ipa-replica-install --verbose --setup-dns --forwarder --forwarder --forwarder --setup-ca

I tried sending an e-mail with the following files in a tar ball, but
it seems to not have been accepted due to the its large size. I have
published them on my own website instead, hope that works.

master ds389 access: https://www.rexhepi-lindberg.com/iparepl/master/access
master ds389 errors: https://www.rexhepi-lindberg.com/iparepl/master/errors
replica ds389 access: https://www.rexhepi-lindberg.com/iparepl/replica/access
replica ds389 errors: https://www.rexhepi-lindberg.com/iparepl/replica/errors
: https://www.rexhepi-lindberg.com/iparepl/replica/ipareplica-install.log

Can you check your DNS configuration? From the logs on the master (se-rhidm03x.se.example.com), it seems the master is listening on IP address, but the replica is resolving the master as

Maybe you have a conflicting entry in /etc/hosts on the replica.

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