Thanks, Rob.

I was considering something like that.


I was thinking of each host running thru the users, filtering a bit by groups, for access to that host.  This would be, as suggested, run no more than once daily, overnight.




Daniel E. White

NICS Linux Engineer
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
8800 Greenbelt Road
Building 14, Room E175
Greenbelt, MD 20771

Office: (301) 286-6919

Mobile: (240) 513-5290


From: Rob Crittenden <>
Date: Friday, December 27, 2019 at 21:33
To: FreeIPA users list <>
Cc: Daniel White <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: [Freeipa-users] Looking for a way to get a list of users that can log in to a server


White, Daniel E. (GSFC-770.0)[NICS] via FreeIPA-users wrote:

Ideally, a command/script I can run on each host that outputs a list of

users that can log in to that host.


I found this:   FreeIPA Issue #7199 [RFE] Central report that will show

who can access which systems (attestation)

and followed it upstream to this BugZilla Bug 1492993 - [RFE] Central

report that will show who can access which systems (attestation)

which says it is targeted for RHEL 8 !


I wouldn't read too much into that, it mostly just says that it has no

chance of making it into RHEL 7.



Is there any way to do this in the meantime ?

I can get a list of users, but how do I get to the HBAC rules to filter

them ?


There is no way now other than running hbac-test iteratively for all

your users and hosts. It'd be quite resource-intensive and I imagine

slow depending on the number of hosts and users, something to run over

night I imagine.


You might be able to be clever about it depending on your rules if you

know, for instance, that a certain set of hosts don't allow ssh access

(or is limited to a single group).

