
Is there a correct way to setup a public/private design using IPA for Kerberos?
I am currently implementing Kerberos for our Hadoop cluster. 

For communication between nodes, I use RFC 1918 addresses
This works properly, but adds a complexity for FreeIPA. 

Hosts have a public interface which they use for IPA. 
Ex. host/iictyibmls003.nix.infrabel.be@NIX.INFRABEL.BE (a 10.x.x.x IP)

For the private 172.16.x.x IP's, I made DNS zones (+reverse) as well, Hadoop uses DNS a lot. 
(.local, in this case adapted to the location)
Ex,  iictyibcls002.nix.infrabel.be.bdmzlocal. resolves to

The problem: Hadoop now wants to create Kerberos service princiapals for the .local domain....
I have searched on the mailinglist and other resources, but I am not sure what the proper 'IPA way' is.

Adding a principal alias does not work (as I expected) --> STDERR: ipa: ERROR: The host 'iictyibcls002.nix.infrabel.be.bdmzlocal' does not exist to add a service to.
And if I try to add a host first, using correct DNS records (A and PTR) , this still results in

2017-07-11 06:57:27,072 - Failed to create principal, HTTP/iictyibcls002.nix.infrabel.be.bdmzlocal@NIX.INFRABEL.BE - Failed to create service principal for HTTP/iictyibcls002.nix.infrabel.be.bdmzlocal@NIX.INFRABEL.BE
STDERR: ipa: ERROR: Host 'iictyibcls002.nix.infrabel.be.bdmzlocal' does not have corresponding DNS A/AAAA record

Was there something about a (kadmin) override?

Thx a lot!