
On Wed, Oct 18, 2023 at 4:11 PM Frederic Ayrault <fred@lix.polytechnique.fr> wrote:

Le 18/10/2023 à 15:33, Florence Blanc-Renaud a écrit :

CNRS2 and CNRS2-Standard are part of the CA chain that issued your HTTP and LDAP server certificates, they should not be removed. 
When you install a new embedded IPA CA, it doesn't replace the existing HTTP and LDAP server certificates with new ones issued by IPA CA. You will be able to remove CNRS2 and CNRS2-standard (IF you don't use any other cert issued by them) only when the HTTP and LDAP server certs are replaced with new ones issued by IPA CA (which is a manual operation).

I was thinking/hoping the new IPA CA will replace the old one :-(

How should I proceed ?

The process is documented in https://access.redhat.com/documentation/fr-fr/red_hat_enterprise_linux/7/html/linux_domain_identity_authentication_and_policy_guide/replace-http-ldap-cert#doc-wrapper

You need to follow the steps using the integrated CA (the new one that you installed with ipa-ca-install).


Thank you

