So I've created a ID override on the IPA master called "TestShellView" to test out changing per-user requirements for shells.


Verify the ID override on the master:

[root@ipamaster01 ~]# ipa idoverrideuser-find TestShellView


1 User ID override matched


  Anchor to override: user@domain


  Login shell: /bin/ksh


Number of entries returned 1



Good, looks as expected. I also tested the GECOS override just in case such a thing was needed in the future.


[root@rhel7template ~]# getent passwd user@domain

user@domain:*:689709720:689709720:TEST ID VIEW:/home/domain/user:/bin/ksh


Looks good. It's doing what it's supposed to be doing.

So now we remove the GECOS and shell settings in the webUI and verify via CLI that they're gone:


[root@ipamaster01 ~]# ipa idoverrideuser-find TestShellView


1 User ID override matched


  Anchor to override: user@domain


Number of entries returned 1



Still good so far. No overrides defined.


Clear the cache to verify that the data is fresh.


[root@rhel7template ~]# sss_cache -E

[root@rhel7template ~]# getent passwd user@domain

user@domain:*:689709720:689709720:TEST ID VIEW:/home/domain/user:/bin/ksh


That's not right...

The default and fallback don't call for ksh either:


[root@rhel7template ~]# cat /etc/sssd/sssd.conf | grep shell

allowed_shells = /bin/bash,/bin/sh,/bin/ksh

shell_fallback = /sbin/nologin

default_shell = /bin/bash


So let's try purging the cache files...

[root@rhel7template ~]# cd /var/lib/sss/db/

[root@rhel7template db]# ls

<cache file listing>

[root@rhel7template db]# rm -f *

[root@rhel7template db]# ls

[root@rhel7template db]# service sssd restart

Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart sssd.service

[root@rhel7template db]# getent passwd user@domain



Now it's showing what it's supposed to.


This shouldn't be happening. If we have to purge sss cache files each time we make an ID Override change, this won't work. Is this expected behavior, or is this a bug?


David Eddleman