On 4/30/24 15:50, Alexander Bokovoy wrote:
On Аўт, 30 кра 2024, Antoine Gatineau via FreeIPA-users wrote:

When enrolling a opensuse tumbleweed client, ipa-client-install fails to get the cacertificate from ldap with error:

2024-04-30T11:23:16Z DEBUG Initializing principal adminprincipal using password
2024-04-30T11:23:16Z DEBUG Starting external process
2024-04-30T11:23:16Z DEBUG args=['/usr/bin/kinit', 'adminuser', '-c', '/tmp/krbcc2swf0edk/ccache']
2024-04-30T11:23:16Z DEBUG Process finished, return code=0
2024-04-30T11:23:16Z DEBUG stdout=Password for adminuser:

2024-04-30T11:23:16Z DEBUG stderr=
2024-04-30T11:23:16Z DEBUG trying to retrieve CA cert via LDAP from ipa-server-01.empire.lan
2024-04-30T11:23:16Z DEBUG retrieving schema for SchemaCache url=ldap://ipa-server-01.empire.lan:389 conn=<ldap.ldapobject.SimpleLDAPObject object at 0x7f020cb3f490>
2024-04-30T11:23:17Z ERROR unable to convert the attribute 'cacertificate;binary' value b'0\x82\x04\x.........ETC........................................' to type <class 'cryptography.x509.base.Certificate'>
2024-04-30T11:23:17Z DEBUG get_ca_certs_from_ldap() error: %i format: a real number is required, not dict
2024-04-30T11:23:17Z DEBUG %i format: a real number is required, not dict
2024-04-30T11:23:17Z ERROR Cannot obtain CA certificate
'ldap://ipa-server-01.empire.lan' doesn't have a certificate.
2024-04-30T11:23:17Z ERROR Installation failed. Rolling back changes.

ipa server is 4.11.0 (centos stream 9 latest)

ipa client is 4.11.1 (opensuse tumbleweed) from this source: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/security%3Aidm/freeipa

With debian 12 and ipa-client 4.9.11 the enrollment succeeds.

With centos stream 9 and ipa-client 4.11.0 the enrollment succeeds.

Is there a limitation with clients newer than the server?

What can I check to fix this issue?

Start by checking the certificate itself. Can you provide it (offline,
if needed)?
Being able to enroll other clients isn't proof that the certificate is good?
I'll send the ca cert in private