I know I can paste a CSR from one of our servers into the GUI and generate a new cert, but how can I do this from a command line?

I've been working with this:

# ipa cert-request --principal=HTTP/$HOST $DB/$HOST.csr

But that's giving me an error that the principal doesn't exist. Then (admittedly, I picked up this command from a discussion I found):

# ipa cert-show $SERIAL_NUMBER --out=$DB/sslcert.pem

How do I get the serial number?

Basically, I'm trying to wrap and automate the process of granting a new cert to a server.

Bret Wortman
Founder, Damascus Products, LLC

855-644-2783 | bret@wrapbuddies.co


70 Main St. Suite 23 Warrenton, VA 20186
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