On 4/30/24 15:34, Rob Crittenden wrote:
Antoine Gatineau via FreeIPA-users wrote:

When enrolling a opensuse tumbleweed client, ipa-client-install fails to
get the cacertificate from ldap with error:

2024-04-30T11:23:16Z DEBUG Initializing principal adminprincipal using
2024-04-30T11:23:16Z DEBUG Starting external process
2024-04-30T11:23:16Z DEBUG args=['/usr/bin/kinit', 'adminuser', '-c',
2024-04-30T11:23:16Z DEBUG Process finished, return code=0
2024-04-30T11:23:16Z DEBUG stdout=Password for adminuser:

2024-04-30T11:23:16Z DEBUG stderr=
2024-04-30T11:23:16Z DEBUG trying to retrieve CA cert via LDAP from
2024-04-30T11:23:16Z DEBUG retrieving schema for SchemaCache
conn=<ldap.ldapobject.SimpleLDAPObject object at 0x7f020cb3f490>
2024-04-30T11:23:17Z ERROR unable to convert the attribute
'cacertificate;binary' value
b'0\x82\x04\x.........ETC........................................' to
type <class 'cryptography.x509.base.Certificate'>
2024-04-30T11:23:17Z DEBUG get_ca_certs_from_ldap() error: %i format: a
real number is required, not dict
2024-04-30T11:23:17Z DEBUG %i format: a real number is required, not dict
2024-04-30T11:23:17Z ERROR Cannot obtain CA certificate
'ldap://ipa-server-01.empire.lan' doesn't have a certificate.
2024-04-30T11:23:17Z ERROR Installation failed. Rolling back changes.

ipa server is 4.11.0 (centos stream 9 latest)

ipa client is 4.11.1 (opensuse tumbleweed) from this source:

With debian 12 and ipa-client 4.9.11 the enrollment succeeds.

With centos stream 9 and ipa-client 4.11.0 the enrollment succeeds.

Is there a limitation with clients newer than the server?
Not usually.

What can I check to fix this issue?
I'd start with comparing what version of python-cryptography is on the
working vs non-working systems.

debian: 38.0.4-3 (python 3.11)

centos stream: 36.0.1-4.el9 (python 3.9)

tumbleweed: python311-cryptography 42.0.5-1.1

Indeed, it is quite newer on tumbleweed.

There are some deprecations in 39.0 that might be in play but I don't know exactly what is used by ipa.
