Sorry, version is: 4.8.3

I also receive this error regardless of the DNS domain I enter...

Kind regards

Am Di., 24. Dez. 2019 um 00:41 Uhr schrieb Kevin Olbrich <>:

This is my first FreeIPA setup that needs to be trusted against AD.
I spent some hours to debug my issue but I need some help:

root@auth1 ~ # ipa trust-add --two-way=true --type=ad --admin administrator --password
Active Directory domain administrator's password:
ipa: ERROR: CIFS server communication error: code "3221225581", message "The attempted logon is invalid. This is either due to a bad username or authentication information." (both may be "None")

I've also tried "" as well as another administrative account with domain admin privileges.
The password is 100% fine and works for ldapadmin (windows tool) as well as windows logons.

DNS is also fine: I set up forwarding of "" from IPA to the AD domain and reverse "" from AD to IPA.

ldapsearch -H ldap:// -x -W -D "" -b "dc=intra,dc=example,dc=com" -d8

Environment: Debian Sid, FreeIPA 4.7.2

Did I miss something? What am I doing wrong here?

Kind regards