On Wed, 8 Nov 2017, Lachlan Musicman via FreeIPA-users wrote:
I'm still trying to wrap my head around the master-replica concept.
From what I read in the documentation (Chapter 4 of https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/7/htm... )
the replica should be able to take over as master should master go offline.
Our replica was set up with CA & without DNS - the same as master, and it seems to be working on the whole.
The problem I'm having is in the replication. create user on master:
ipa user-add master_test_user --first=MT --last=ML
create user on replica:
ipa user-add replica_test_user --first=RT --last=RL
find user on master:
[root@vmpr-linuxidm ~]# ipa user-find test_user
2 users matched
[...] find user on replica: [root@vmdr-linuxidm ~]# ipa user-find test_user
1 user matched
[...] If I run ipa user-add on the replica, I see it upstream on master, but if I run ipa add-user on the master, that's not replicated down to the replica.
Also, ipa user-del (even with --no-preserve) works on master, but doesn't delete the user on the replica.
What has gone wrong?
I had something similar recently (replica not "talking" to master). It turned out that replication refused to work in both directions for reasons still unknown to me. Finally, i had to reinstall my replica (ipa-replica-install --setup-ca) to make replication work again:
--- root@poolsrv:~# ipa topologysegment-find Suffix name: domain ----------------- 1 segment matched ----------------- Segment name: o201.example.org-to-poolsrv.example.org Left node: o201.example.org Right node: poolsrv.example.org Connectivity: both ---------------------------- Number of entries returned 1 ---------------------------- root@poolsrv:~# ipa topologysegment-find Suffix name: ca ----------------- 1 segment matched ----------------- Segment name: o201.example.org-to-poolsrv.example.org Left node: o201.example.org Right node: poolsrv.example.org Connectivity: both ---------------------------- Number of entries returned 1 ---------------------------- ---
"Connectivity" is now "both" but used to be "left-right". I also had a lot of errors in the poolsrv (replica) directory server log referring to NSMMReplicationPlugin. You may want to check this in order to diagnose the problem.
Maybe, the augurs know a better way to fix this than to reinstall.
Mit freundlichen Gruessen/With best regards,