Dear all:

two servers replica but the latter one become unstable.

I success promote a client  to replcia master .
but after reboot the response is slow and the certomanger start fail
and remote login ssh very slow delay half minuets

boot log found certmanger fail to start and  login service fail:
just can proof that if i remove all ipa client it is fine again and login service fine.

Any idea how come ? as i used 3.0 before soit use gpg to install replcia server,

but now it use ipa-client-install first then promote to ipa-replica-install later.

[1;31mFAILED [0m] Failed to start Zabbix Agent.
See 'systemctl status zabbix_agentd.service' for details.
[ [1;31mFAILED [0m] Failed to start Login Service.
See 'systemctl status systemd-logind.service' for details.
[ [32m  OK  [0m] Stopped Login Service.
         Starting Login Service...
[ [1;31mFAILED [0m] Failed to start Login Service.
See 'systemctl status systemd-logind.service' for details.
[ [32m  OK  [0m] Stopped Login Service.
         Starting Login Service...
[ [32m  OK  [0m] Started /etc/rc.d/rc.local Compatibility.
         Starting Terminate Plymouth Boot Screen...
         Starting Wait for Plymouth Boot Screen to Quit...