On ke, 23 marras 2022, Grant Janssen wrote:
Thank You for your attention, but this did not work for me. I had tried earlier to remove this attribute in the conventional manner, but failed. (example again at the tail of my output)
[root@ef-idm01 ~]# ipa -e in_server=true user-mod waynev --delattr=krblastadminunlock=20171006230951Z ipa: ERROR: krblastadminunlock does not contain '20171006230951Z'
It says the attribute value is not there. Can you do ipa user-show --all --raw waynev |grep krblastadminunlock ?
This differs from your output below by not processing the attributes value's output. And then use that value to pass through to user-mod.
[root@ef-idm01 ~]# exit logout grant@ef-idm01:~[20221123-6:59][#1012]$ klist Ticket cache: KEYRING:persistent:555:555 Default principal: grant@PRODUCTION.EFILM.COMmailto:grant@PRODUCTION.EFILM.COM
Valid starting Expires Service principal 11/23/2022 04:43:47 11/24/2022 04:43:34 HTTP/ef-idm01.production.efilm.com@PRODUCTION.EFILM.COMmailto:HTTP/ef-idm01.production.efilm.com@PRODUCTION.EFILM.COM 11/23/2022 04:43:37 11/24/2022 04:43:34 krbtgt/PRODUCTION.EFILM.COM@PRODUCTION.EFILM.COMmailto:krbtgt/PRODUCTION.EFILM.COM@PRODUCTION.EFILM.COM grant@ef-idm01:~[20221123-6:59][#1013]$ ipa user-mod --delattr=krblastadminunlock=20171006230951Z waynev ipa: ERROR: krblastadminunlock does not contain '20171006230951Z' grant@ef-idm01:~[20221123-6:59][#1014]$ ipa user-show --all waynev | grep krblastadminunlock krblastadminunlock: 20171006230951Z grant@ef-idm01:~[20221123-DING!][#1015]$
- grant