
On Wed, Mar 9, 2022 at 10:12 PM Eric Boisvert via FreeIPA-users <freeipa-users@lists.fedorahosted.org> wrote:
Good afternoon Rob,

TL;DR We cant renew FreeIPA certificate because we lost our Root certificate private key and replacing it doesn't work

We are currently using:
    - CentOS Linux release 7.3.1611 (Core)
    - FreeIPA 4.4.0-14.el7.centos.1.1

Our certificate structure look like this:
    Self-sign root certificate (valid but lost private key) > FreeIPA CA certificate (expired) > client VM certificate (expired).

Everything is on a local network and none of our server seems to use NTP for clock synchronization (might be useful if we want to make our certificates valid by going back in time???).

Recently our FreeIPA CA certificate expire and we are unable to renew it because we lost our private key of our root certificate.

We tried to create a new root certificate with openssl and the help of the following documentation:

We then tried to renew the FreeIPA CA certificate with the ipa-cacert-manage renew command wich generate a csr that we sign with our newly created root certificate. The command was found here:

Unfortunately FreeIPA give an error that we have a public key info mismatch (I can add the verbose command if needed).

I guess that you re-used the same root CA name, and that's why FreeIPA complains. If you create a new root CA with a different subject name, add this new CA cert and then do ipa-cacert-manage renew I believe it should work.


After some research we conclude that FreeIPA doesn't want to have is root certificate changed so we find this article that look similar to our problem.

Since every command seems to use https to get Kerberos credentials and that our certificate is invalid we can't execute command like ipa server-find, ipa ca-find, etc.

This is where we are now.

We are currently trying to setup a new FreeIPA VM with a client VM so we can run test on it before doing so on our production environment.

Thank you for your time and your help!
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