Miguel Angel Coa M. wrote:
Hi Rob, CN=LAB is a group entry and inside i've a few members
[.................] # LAB, Users, example2.com http://example2.com dn: CN=LAB,CN=Users,DC=example2,DC=com objectClass: top objectClass: group cn: LAB description: Usuario de grupo LAB member: CN=winuser64,CN=Users,DC=example2,DC=com member: CN=winuserlab2 userlab2,OU=Test,DC=example2,DC=com member: CN=winuser40 winuser40,OU=Test,DC=example2,DC=com member: CN=winuserlab1 userlab1,OU=Test,DC=example2,DC=com distinguishedName: CN=LAB,CN=Users,DC=example2,DC=com instanceType: 4 whenCreated: 20171023203927.0Z whenChanged: 20171024203108.0Z uSNCreated: 49193 uSNChanged: 61493 name: LAB objectGUID:: gQBcEwVqHU+L3DmmZPVFFw== objectSid:: AQUAAAAAAAUVAAAAguTkYzspTdFQ0vfEWwQAAA== sAMAccountName: LAB sAMAccountType: 268435456 groupType: -2147483640 objectCategory: CN=Group,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=example2,DC=com dSCorePropagationData: 16010101000000.0Z
That's why. winsync syncs against a subtree, not members of a group.
Miguel Coa M.
2017-10-25 17:28 GMT-03:00 Rob Crittenden <rcritten@redhat.com mailto:rcritten@redhat.com>:
Miguel Angel Coa M. via FreeIPA-users wrote: > Hello Everyone, > I've setting IPA server connect with AD (Windows Server 2012R2) and work > fine, but i need change the sub-tree for user sync and this step fail > (not sync anything) . > For example, when i sync against the default base is ok > > [.................] > CN=Users,DC=example2,dc=com > [.................] > > [.................] > nsds7WindowsReplicaSubtree: CN=Users,DC=example2,DC=com > [.................] > > > But i try change the base and does not sync anything > > [.................] > CN=LAB,CN=Users,DC=example2,dc=com > [.................] > > When the LAB is AD group. ¿is possible sync against AD group? IIRC winsync looks for entries that match objectclass=ntuser. I CN=LAB literally a group entry or a subtree? rob