Ben Aveling via FreeIPA-users wrote:
There was some discussion here:
Conclusion seems to be that it's hard to automate because a mixed network (IPv4 and IPv6) doesn't give any good way to automatically choose between the different options.
Another way to approach might be to use /etc/sssd/sssd.conf
At the moment, ipa-client-install ignores/removes any existing /etc/sssd/sssd.conf.
If there was an option to keep an existing sssd.conf (or that were simply the default), then installer could add ipv6_only or ipv6_first themselves.
It would also allow for setting other options, so long as those options aren't anything that ipa-client-install wants to override (or maybe even then?).
As long as the original sssd.conf is parseable IPA should only add the new domain to it. It only creates a new one if it doesn't exist or it cannot be parsed by SSSDConfig.import_config()
I think this doesn't work because IPA doesn't preserve an existing domain entry since the point is to enroll a new domain.