We have smartcards (PIV) working just fine on Fedora 25 with FreeIPA client version 4.4.4 (SSSD 1.14.2).  However on Ubuntu 16.04, FreeIPA client 4.3.1, SSSD 1.13.4 the smartcard seems to be ignored.

The smartcard is readable using pkcs11-tools and pkcs15-tools on both systems.

On both systems sssd.conf contains:
pam_cert_auth = True

I've turned the sssd logging up to 9 on both systems and it looks like p11_child is never called on the Ubuntu system.  On the Ubuntu system p11_child.log is empty and there is no sign of it being started in the sssd_pam.log.  

Any suggestions on what I should look at next?
